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Open accessvan-den-Elsen_etal_2020_FrontEcolEvol.pdf.jpg22-Oct-2020Advances in Understanding and Managing Catastrophic Ecosystem Shifts in Mediterranean Ecosystemsvan den Elsen, Erik; Stringer, Lindsay C.; De Ita, Cecilia, et al
Open access2015_Redes-UA-Mejora-Docente_68.pdf.jpg2015Avances en el trabajo colaborativo en Iniciación a la Investigación en BiologíaBonet, Andreu; Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio; Alberola-Die, Armando, et al
Open accessECO_12(1)_20.pdf.jpgApr-2003Bases ecológicas para la restauración de los espartales semiáridos degradadosMaestre, Fernando T.; Bautista, Susana; Cortina, Jordi, et al
Open accessTurrion_etal_2022_NewForests.pdf.jpg12-Nov-2021Clumped or regular? the role of thinning pattern on pine growth and soil water content in dense Aleppo pine post-fire standsTurrión, Diana; Fornieles, Francisco; Bautista, Susana
Open access2019_Verwijmeren_etal_Ecosystems.pdf.jpgSep-2019Combined Grazing and Drought Stress Alter the Outcome of Nurse: Beneficiary Interactions in a Semi-arid EcosystemVerwijmeren, Mart; Smit, Christian; Bautista, Susana, et al
Open access2017_Papanastasis_etal_LandDegradDevelop_final.pdf.jpgMay-2017Comparative Assessment of Goods and Services Provided by Grazing Regulation and Reforestation in Degraded Mediterranean RangelandsPapanastasis, Vasilios P.; Bautista, Susana; Chouvardas, Dimitrios, et al
Open access2019_Mayor_etal_Ecosystems.pdf.jpgNov-2019Connectivity-Mediated Ecohydrological Feedbacks and Regime Shifts in DrylandsMayor, Angeles G.; Bautista, Susana; Rodríguez, Francisco, et al
Open access2014_Garcia_etal_CentEurJGeosci.pdf.jpgMar-2014Detection and mapping of burnt areas from time series of MODIS-derived NDVI data in a Mediterranean regionGarcía Ferrández, Miguel Antonio; Alloza Millán, José Antonio; Mayor, Angeles G., et al
Open accessUrgeghe_etal_2021_JAridEnvironm.pdf.jpgOct-2021Disentangling the independent effects of vegetation cover and pattern on runoff and sediment yield in dryland systems – Uncovering processes through mimicked plant patchesUrgeghe, Anna M.; Mayor, Angeles G.; Turrión, Diana, et al
Restricted access2014_Verwijmeren_etal_JAE_final.pdf.jpgDec-2014Drought and grazing combined: Contrasting shifts in plant interactions at species pair and community levelVerwijmeren, Mart; Rietkerk, Max; Bautista, Susana, et al
Restricted access2014_Valdecantos_etal_Restoration-Ecology_final.pdf.jpgMay-2014Effectiveness of Low-Cost Planting Techniques for Improving Water Availability to Olea europaea Seedlings in Degraded DrylandsValdecantos, Alejandro; Fuentes Delgado, David; Smanis, Athanasios, et al
Open access2012_Kribeche_etal_Ecologia-Mediterranea.pdf.jpg2012Effects of landscape spatial heterogeneity on dryland restoration success. The combined role of site conditions and reforestation techniques in southeastern SpainKribeche, Haroun; Bautista, Susana; Chirino Miranda, Esteban, et al
Open access2014_Lopez-Poma_Bautista_Flamma.pdf.jpg2014Effects of plant post-fire persistence traits on soil microbial biomass and activity in Mediterranean shrublandsLópez-Poma, Rosario; Bautista, Susana
Open accessGonzalez-Pelayo_etal_2024_EurJForestRes.pdf.jpg15-Dec-2023The effects of wildfire frequency on post-fire soil surface water dynamicsGonzalez-Pelayo, Oscar; Prats, Sergio A.; van den Elsen, Erik, et al
Open accessXIV-Jornadas-Redes-ICE_164.pdf.jpg2016Estudio de las necesidades de análisis estadístico a lo largo del Grado en BiologíaZubcoff, Jose; Bautista, Susana; Bordera, Santiago, et al
Open accessXIII_Jornadas_Redes_214.pdf.jpg2015Evaluación del Grado de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de AlicanteAlonso-Vargas, M. Angeles; Pire, Carmen; Bautista, Susana, et al
Open access2014_XII_Jornadas_Redes_175.pdf.jpg2014Evaluación del trabajo colaborativo en Iniciación a la Investigación en BiologíaBonet, Andreu; Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio; Alberola-Die, Armando, et al
Restricted access2013_Kribeche_etal_ALRM_final.pdf.jpg24-Jun-2013Evaluating the Effectiveness of Post Fire Emergency Rehabilitation Treatments on Soil Degradation and Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Mediterranean Areas of the Spanish South EastKribeche, Haroun; Bautista, Susana; Gimeno, Teresa, et al
Restricted access2013_Mayor_etal_LandscapeEcol_final.pdf.jpgMay-2013Feedbacks between vegetation pattern and resource loss dramatically decrease ecosystem resilience and restoration potential in a simple dryland modelMayor, Angeles G.; Kéfi, Sonia; Bautista, Susana, et al
Open access2019_Morcillo_etal_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg23-Aug-2019Functional similarity and competitive symmetry control productivity in mixtures of Mediterranean perennial grassesMorcillo Juliá, Luna; Camacho-Garzón, Azucena; Calderón, Juan Sebastián, et al