MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación - 2010, No. 2. Applied Sociology in Translation Studies

MonTI 2

Applied Sociology in Translation Studies
Sociologia Aplicada a la Traducció
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Oscar Diaz Fouces & Esther Monzó (eds.)


What would a sociology applied to translation be like? — Diaz Fouces, Oscar; Monzó Nebot, Esther

Com és una sociologia aplicada a la traducció? — Monzó Nebot, Esther; Diaz Fouces, Oscar

Translation ‘going social’? Challenges to the (Ivory) Tower of Babel — Wolf, Michaela

Court Interpreting 2009: an undervalued and misunderstood profession? Or: will justice speak? — Morris, Ruth

A glimpse into the socialization of bilingual youngsters as interpreters: the case of Latino bilinguals brokering communication for their families and immediate communities — Angelelli, Claudia V.

Bourdieu y la traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos: hacia una teoría social — Valero Garcés, Carmen; Gauthier Blasi, Laura

Bourdieu and public service interpreting and translation: towards a social theory in PSIT — Valero Garcés, Carmen; Gauthier Blasi, Laura

Outline of a sociology of translation informed by the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu — Gouanvic, Jean-Marc; Schultz, Laura (translator)

‘Stars’ or ‘professionals’: the imagined vocation and exclusive knowledge of translators in Israel — Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet

The sociology of translation: outline of an emerging field — Bielsa Mialet, Esperança

Uncovering the hidden actors with the help of Latour: the ‘making’ of The Second Sex — Bogic, Anna

La traducción literaria y la brecha de paralaje: reflexiones a partir de un cuestionario piloto — Fernández, Fruela

Literary translation and the parallax gap: reflections on a pilot questionnaire — Fernández, Fruela; Herrador, Dolores (translator); Sánchez Balsalobre, Leticia (translator)

La multitraducció als estàndards català i valencià: el cas de Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal — Cabeza i Cáceres, Cristóbal

Multitranslation within the Catalan and Valencian standards: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as a case in point — Cabeza i Cáceres, Cristóbal; Navarro Pérez, Adrián Gabriel (translator)

Translation as a measure of literary domination: the case of Quebec literature translated in Spain (1975-2004) — Córdoba Serrano, María Sierra

Planificació (eco)lingüística i gestió dels intercanvis lingüístics — Diaz Fouces, Oscar

(Eco)linguistic planning and language-exchange management — Diaz Fouces, Oscar; Baxter, Robert Neal (translator)

El uso de la encuesta de tipo social en traductología: características metodológicas — Kuznik, Anna; Hurtado Albir, Amparo; Espinal Berenguer, Anna

The use of social surveys in translation studies: methodological characteristics — Kuznik, Anna; Hurtado Albir, Amparo; Espinal Berenguer, Anna, et al

Is translation an autopoietic system? — Tyulenev, Sergey

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessMonTI_2.pdf.jpg2010MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación. N. 2 (2010)MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación
Open accessMonTI_2_16.pdf.jpg2010Is translation an autopoietic system?Tyulenev, Sergey
Open accessMonTI_2_15_trans.pdf.jpg2010The use of social surveys in translation studies: methodological characteristicsKuznik, Anna; Hurtado Albir, Amparo; Espinal Berenguer, Anna, et al
Open accessMonTI_2_15.pdf.jpg2010El uso de la encuesta de tipo social en traductología: características metodológicasKuznik, Anna; Hurtado Albir, Amparo; Espinal Berenguer, Anna
Open accessMonTI_2_14_trans.pdf.jpg2010(Eco)linguistic planning and language-exchange managementDiaz Fouces, Oscar; Baxter, Robert Neal (translator)
Open accessMonTI_2_14.pdf.jpg2010Planificació (eco)lingüística i gestió dels intercanvis lingüísticsDiaz Fouces, Oscar
Open accessMonTI_2_13.pdf.jpg2010Translation as a measure of literary domination: the case of Quebec literature translated in Spain (1975-2004)Córdoba Serrano, María Sierra
Open accessMonTI_2_12_trans.pdf.jpg2010Multitranslation within the Catalan and Valencian standards: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as a case in pointCabeza-Cáceres, Cristóbal; Navarro Pérez, Adrián Gabriel (translator)
Open accessMonTI_2_12.pdf.jpg2010La multitraducció als estàndards català i valencià: el cas de Harry Potter i la pedra filosofalCabeza-Cáceres, Cristóbal
Open accessMonTI_2_11_trans.pdf.jpg2010Literary translation and the parallax gap: reflections on a pilot questionnaireFernández, Fruela; Herrador, Dolores (translator); Sánchez Balsalobre, Leticia (translator)
Open accessMonTI_2_11.pdf.jpg2010La traducción literaria y la brecha de paralaje: reflexiones a partir de un cuestionario pilotoFernández, Fruela
Open accessMonTI_2_10.pdf.jpg2010Uncovering the hidden actors with the help of Latour: the ‘making’ of The Second SexBogic, Anna
Open accessMonTI_2_09.pdf.jpg2010The sociology of translation: outline of an emerging fieldBielsa Mialet, Esperança
Open accessMonTI_2_08.pdf.jpg2010‘Stars’ or ‘professionals’: the imagined vocation and exclusive knowledge of translators in IsraelSela-Sheffy, Rakefet
Open accessMonTI_2_07.pdf.jpg2010Outline of a sociology of translation informed by the ideas of Pierre BourdieuGouanvic, Jean-Marc; Schultz, Laura (translator)
Open accessMonTI_2_06_trans.pdf.jpg2010Bourdieu and public service interpreting and translation: towards a social theory in PSITValero Garcés, Carmen; Gauthier Blasi, Laura
Open accessMonTI_2_06.pdf.jpg2010Bourdieu y la traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos: hacia una teoría socialValero Garcés, Carmen; Gauthier Blasi, Laura
Open accessMonTI_2_05.pdf.jpg2010A glimpse into the socialization of bilingual youngsters as interpreters: the case of Latino bilinguals brokering communication for their families and immediate communitiesAngelelli, Claudia V.
Open accessMonTI_2_04.pdf.jpg2010Court Interpreting 2009: an undervalued and misunderstood profession? Or: will justice speak?Morris, Ruth
Open accessMonTI_2_03.pdf.jpg2010Translation ‘going social’? Challenges to the (Ivory) Tower of BabelWolf, Michaela
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22