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AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessSPIE_v6587_art658715_2007.pdf.jpg9-May-2007Characterization and optimization of liquid crystal displays for data storage applicationsMárquez, Andrés; Gallego, Sergi; Méndez Alcaraz, David Israel; Alvarez, Mariela L.; Fernandez-Varo, Helena; Ortuño, Manuel; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open access7RNO_Santander_p420_2003.pdf.jpgSep-2003Comparación entre la teoría rigurosa (RCW) y la teoría de Kogelnik de ondas acopladas para redes de difracción holográficasNeipp, Cristian; Alvarez, Mariela L.; Gallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Márquez, Andrés; Pascual, Inmaculada; Beléndez, Augusto
Open accessSPIE_v6912_art691217_2008.pdf.jpg25-Jan-2008Real-time interferometric characterization of a PVA based photopolymerMárquez, Andrés; Gallego, Sergi; Méndez Alcaraz, David Israel; Ortuño, Manuel; Fernandez-Varo, Helena; Alvarez, Mariela L.; Neipp, Cristian; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessSPIE_v5456_p315_2004.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2004Space-variant image processing with volume holographyMárquez, Andrés; Neipp, Cristian; Gallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessSPIE_v5456_p256_2004.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2004Optimization of a PVA/acrylamide material for the recording of multiple diffraction gratingsOrtuño, Manuel; Gallego, Sergi; Neipp, Cristian; Márquez, Andrés; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessSPIE_v6912_art6912-14_2008.pdf.jpg25-Jan-2008Multiplexing holograms for data page storage as a holographic memory in a PVA/AA photopolymerFernandez-Varo, Helena; Ortuño, Manuel; Gallego, Sergi; García Llopis, Celia; Márquez, Andrés; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Restricted accessOPTIK_2009proofs.pdf.jpgJan-2010Optimization of a holographic memory setup using an LCD and a PVA-based photopolymerFernandez-Varo, Helena; Ortuño, Manuel; Gallego, Sergi; Márquez, Andrés; García Llopis, Celia; Fuentes Rosillo, Rosa; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessSPIE_v5456_p449_2004.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2004Depth attenuated refractive index profiles in holographic gratings recorded in photopolymer materialsGallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Neipp, Cristian; Márquez, Andrés; Sheridan, John T.; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessSPIE_v5456_p383_2004.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2004High-efficiency volume holograms recording on acrylamide and N,N'methylene-bis-acrylamide photopolymer with pulsed laserGallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; García Llopis, Celia; Neipp, Cristian; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessJOSAB_v20_n10_p2052_2003.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2003First-harmonic diffusion-based model applied to a polyvinyl-alcohol–acrylamide-based photopolymerNeipp, Cristian; Gallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Márquez, Andrés; Alvarez, Mariela L.; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada