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Open access2018_Shaheen_etal_JRefractSurg_preprint.pdf.jpg9-Mar-2018The 7-Year Outcomes of Epithelium-Off Corneal Cross-linking in Progressive KeratoconusShaheen, Mohamed Shafik; Lolah, Mohamed M.; Piñero, David P.
Open access2017_Fernandez_etal_IntJOphthalmol.pdf.jpg18-Oct-2017Above-average defocus curves in photopic and mesopic vision with multifocal intraocular lenses after laser assisted in situ keratomileusisFernández, Joaquín; Rodríguez-Vallejo, Manuel; Martínez, Javier, et al
Open access2020_Hernandez-Rodriguez_Pinero_JOphthalmology.pdf.jpg23-Mar-2020Active Vision Therapy for Anisometropic Amblyopia in Children: A Systematic ReviewHernández Rodríguez, Carlos Javier; Piñero, David P.
Open access2014_Castejon_etal_GOOO.pdf.jpgApr-2014Adaptación de lente de contacto cosmética en un caso de midriasis máxima irrefléxica y estrabismo tras cirugía complicada de cataratasCastejón García, Raquel; Piñero, David P.; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Open access2013_Pinero_Ribera_GOOO.pdf.jpgMay-2013Adaptación de lente de contacto híbrida de geometría inversa en córnea con extrema irregularidad tras cirugía LASIK fallidaPiñero, David P.; Ribera Vicent, David
Open access2015_Laria_Pinero_IJO.pdf.jpg18-Aug-2015Adjustable muscle plication: a new surgical technique for strabismic patients with high risk for anterior segment ischemiaLaria Ochaíta, Carlos; Piñero, David P.
Open access2018_Fernandez_etal_GraefesArchClinExpOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpgAug-2018Agreement and repeatability of objective systems for assessment of the tear filmFernández, Joaquín; Rodríguez-Vallejo, Manuel; Martínez, Javier, et al
Restricted accessFernandez_etal_2021_GraefesArchClinExpOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpg31-Oct-2020Agreement between subjective and predicted high and low contrast visual acuities with a double-pass systemFernández, Joaquín; Rodríguez-Vallejo, Manuel; Martínez, Javier, et al
Open accessMartinez-Plaza_etal_2022_ApplSci.pdf.jpg30-Apr-2022Agreement of Tear Break-Up Time and Meniscus Height between Medmont E300 and Visionix VX120+Martínez-Plaza, Elena; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Piñero, David P.
Open accessBamdad_etal_2022_JOptometry.pdf.jpg28-Sep-2020Agreement of wavefront-based refraction, dry and cycloplegic autorefraction with subjective refractionBamdad, Shahram; Momeni-Moghaddam, Hamed; Abdolahian, Milad, et al
Open accessBamdad_etal_2022_JOptometry.pdf.jpg28-Sep-2020Agreement of wavefront-based refraction, dry and cycloplegic autorefraction with subjective refractionBamdad, Shahram; Momeni-Moghaddam, Hamed; Abdolahian, Milad, et al
Restricted access2013_Camps_etal_Cornea.pdf.jpgNov-2013Algorithm for Correcting the Keratometric Error in the Estimation of the Corneal Power in Eyes With Previous Myopic Laser Refractive SurgeryCamps, Vicente J.; Piñero, David P.; Mateo Pérez, Verónica, et al
Open access2017_Pinero_etal_JOphthalmology.pdf.jpg22-Oct-2017Algorithm for Correcting the Keratometric Error in the Estimation of the Corneal Power in Keratoconus Eyes after Accelerated Corneal Collagen CrosslinkingPiñero, David P.; Camps, Vicente J.; Caravaca Arens, Esteban, et al
Open accessAbstract- Algorithm for correcting the keratometric estimation error in normal eyes.pdf.jpgFeb-2012Algorithm for correcting the keratometric estimation error in normal eyes [Abstract]Camps, Vicente J.; Piñero, David P.; Fez Saiz, Dolores de, et al
Open access2017_Ziak_etal_BMC-Ophthalmology.pdf.jpg28-Jun-2017Amblyopia treatment of adults with dichoptic training using the virtual reality oculus rift head mounted display: preliminary resultsŽiak, Peter; Holm, Anders; Halička, Juraj, et al
Open accessMolina-Martin_etal_2023_Vision.pdf.jpg19-May-2023Amblyopia Treatment through Immersive Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Experience in Anisometropic ChildrenMolina-Martín, Ainhoa; Leal-Vega, Luis; Fez Saiz, Dolores de, et al
Open access2018_Hernandez-Rodriguez_etal_GOOO.pdf.jpgDec-2018Análisis de la amplitud acomodativa en sujetos miopes tras el implante de lente intraocular fáquica de cámara posteriorHernández Rodríguez, Carlos Javier; Montalbán Llamusí, Raúl; Javaloy, Jaime, et al
Open access2013_Laria_Pinero_ActaEstrabologica_2.pdf.jpg2013Análisis de la eficacia de la terapia visual en el tratamiento de la exotropía intermitente mediante videooculografía 3DLaria Ochaíta, Carlos; Piñero, David P.
Open accessHernandez-Rodriguez_etal_2021_GOOO.pdf.jpgNov-2021Análisis retrospectivo de cambios en las vergencias fusionales en pacientes con exotropia intermitente tras realizar terapia visualHernández Rodríguez, Carlos Javier; Soto-Negro, Roberto; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Open accessRibeiro_etal_2023_JOphthalmology.pdf.jpg8-Apr-2023Analysis of Daily Visual Habits in a Presbyopic PopulationRibeiro, Filomena; Ferreira, Tiago B.; Silva, Diana, et al