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Restricted accessLancis et al_2010_Geobios.pdf.jpgFeb-2010Nannoplankton biostratigraphic calibration of the evaporitic events in the Neogene Fortuna Basin (SE Spain)Lancis Sáez, Carlos; Tent-Manclus, Jose Enrique; Soria Mingorance, Jesús Miguel; Caracuel Martín, Jesús Esteban; Corbí, Hugo; Dinarès Turell, Jaume; Estévez Rubio, Antonio; Yébenes Simón, Alfonso
Restricted accessSoria et al_2008_Sedimentary Geology.pdf.jpgJan-2008The Messinian-early Pliocene stratigraphic record in the southern Bajo Segura Basin (Betic Cordillera, Spain): implications for the Mediterranean salinity crisisSoria Mingorance, Jesús Miguel; Caracuel Martín, Jesús Esteban; Corbí, Hugo; Dinarès Turell, Jaume; Lancis Sáez, Carlos; Tent-Manclus, Jose Enrique; Viseras Alarcón, César; Yébenes Simón, Alfonso
Restricted access2018_Gamonal_etal_HistBiology_final.pdf.jpg2018Sierra del Colmenar 1A, a new late Messinian (Late Miocene) locality in the Bajo Segura Basin (SE Spain): biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implicationsGamonal, Arturo; Mansino, Samuel; Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco; Crespo, Vicente D.; Corbí, Hugo; Montoya, Plini
Restricted accessSoria et al_2014_SedGeo.pdf.jpg17-Jun-2014Cyclically-arranged, storm-controlled, prograding lithosomes in Messinian terrigenous shelves (Bajo Segura Basin, western Mediterranean)Soria Mingorance, Jesús Miguel; Giannetti, Alice; Monaco, Paolo; Corbí, Hugo; García Ramos, Diego Antonio; Viseras Alarcón, César
Open access2015_Gaudant_etal_SpaJPalaeo.pdf.jpg2015The Upper Miocene fish fauna of the Fortuna Basin, as observed in the surroundings of Abanilla (Murcia province, Spain)Gaudant, Jean; Soria Mingorance, Jesús Miguel; Fierro, Ignacio; Saint Martin, Simona
Restricted access2018_Corbi_etal_Geoheritage_final.pdf.jpgSep-2018Potential Use of a Significant Scientific Geosite: the Messinian Coral Reef of Santa Pola (SE Spain)Corbí, Hugo; Fierro, Ignacio; Aberasturi, Ainara; Sánchez Ferris, Esteban J.
Restricted accessCorbi_etal_2020_Geo-MarLett_final.pdf.jpgJun-2020The step-by-step restriction of the Mediterranean (start, amplification, and consolidation phases) preceding the Messinian Salinity Crisis (climax phase) in the Bajo Segura basinCorbí, Hugo; Soria Mingorance, Jesús Miguel; Giannetti, Alice; Yébenes Simón, Alfonso
Open accessLukowiak_etal_2023_PeerJ.pdf.jpg16-Nov-2023Miocene sponge assemblages in the face of the Messinian Salinity Crisis—new data from the Atlanto-Mediterranean seawayŁukowiak​, Magdalena; Meiro, Gerardo; Peña, Beltrán; Villanueva Guimerans, Perfecto; Corbí, Hugo