Browsing by Author Juárez Sanz, Margarita
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Access | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 |  | 2017 | Chemical transformation of Quercus wood by Cetonia larvae (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae): An improvement of carbon and nitrogen available in saproxylic environments | Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio; Micó, Estefanía; Galante, Eduardo, et al |
 |  | Dec-2013 | Effect of commercial amino acids on iron nutrition of tomato plants grown under lime-induced iron deficiency | Cerdán, Mar; Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio; Jordá Guijarro, Juana Dolores, et al |
 |  | 21-Sep-2007 | Hierro en el sistema suelo-planta | Juárez Sanz, Margarita; Cerdán, Mar; Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio |
 |  | 2002 | Humic substances and amino acids improve effectiveness of chelate FeEDDHA in lemon trees | Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio; Sánchez Andreu, Juan; Juárez Sanz, Margarita, et al |
 |  | 21-Sep-2007 | Nutrición férrica de los cultivos | Juárez Sanz, Margarita; Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio; Cerdán, Mar |
 |  | 30-Mar-2024 | Physical decomposition stage and ergosterol content predict the chemical composition of downed dead wood in Mediterranean dehesas | Micó, Estefanía; Aguirrebengoa, Martin; Quinto, Javier, et al |
 |  | 2013 | Trabajo de coordinación para la implementación del cuarto curso del Grado en Química | Illán-Gómez, María José; Alcañiz-Monge, Juan; Bru-Martinez, Roque, et al |
 |  | Feb-2015 | What can physical, biotic and chemical features of a tree hollow tell us about their associated diversity? | Micó, Estefanía; García López, Alejandra; Sanchez Sanchez, Antonio, et al |