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Open accessOPAL_2021_paper_42.pdf.jpg13-Oct-20212D Green’s tensor for the analysis of dielectric structures with translational geometriesTaleb, Soumia Imane; Neipp, Cristian; Francés, Jorge, et al
Open accessOEx_v13_n9_p3543_2005.pdf.jpg2-May-20053 Dimensional analysis of holographic photopolymers based memoriesGallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Neipp, Cristian, et al
Open accessSPIE_v6252_62520B_2005.pdf.jpg9-Jun-20063-D behaviour of photopolymers as holographic recording materialGallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Neipp, Cristian, et al
Open accessHolography2005_Varna_p28_2005.pdf.jpg21-May-20053-D behaviour of photopolymers as holographic recording materialGallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Neipp, Cristian, et al
Open accessSPIE_v6187_p618714_2006.pdf.jpg20-Apr-20063-dimensional analysis of holographic memories based on photopolymers using finite differences methodGallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Neipp, Cristian, et al
Open accessOEx_v13_n14_p5121_2006.pdf.jpg12-Jun-20063-dimensional characterization of thick grating formation in PVA/AA based photopolymerGallego, Sergi; Ortuño, Manuel; Neipp, Cristian, et al
Open accessFernandez_etal_2020_ProcSPIE.pdf.jpg1-Apr-20203-dimensional modelling of the DOEs formation in PVA/AA photopolymersFernandez, Roberto; Gallego, Sergi; Márquez, Andrés, et al
Open accessProcSPIE_v12673_126730P_2023.pdf.jpg4-Oct-20233D FDTD analysis of cross-talk in pixelated PA-LCos devices: impact of fill factor and size pixel on S2 and S3 parametersFrancés, Jorge; Sánchez-Montes, Adriana R.; Márquez, Andrés, et al
Open access15thCMMSE_Rota_pp531-542_2015.pdf.jpg6-Jul-20153D SF–FDTD algorithm optimisation on Intel Xeon coprocessor and NVIDIA GPUsFrancés, Jorge; Bleda, Sergio; Gallego, Sergi, et al
Open accessProcSPIE_v12673_126730A_2023.pdf.jpg4-Oct-2023Absolute polarimetric calibration of the retardance of a liquid crystal on silicon microdisplaySánchez-Montes, Adriana R.; Márquez, Andrés; Francés, Jorge, et al
Open accessInnovaciones-metodologicas-docencia-universitaria_155.pdf.jpg2016La acción tutorial en las enseñanzas técnicas. Gestión eficaz del tiempoNescolarde-Selva, Josué Antonio; Alberquilla de la Cruz, Nuria; Bajo García, Irene, et al
Open access10-Dec-2010Acciones entre corrientesBeléndez, Augusto; Alvarez, Mariela L.; Beléndez, Tarsicio, et al
Open accessdo2012 - 4863_DO2012_13 Frances Jorge.pdf.jpg27-Feb-2012Accuracy analysis of lamellar diffraction gratings by means of simplified theoriesFrancés, Jorge; Gallego, Sergi; Bleda, Sergio, et al
Restricted accessPLA_v377_n34-36_p2245_2013.pdf.jpg21-Jun-2013Accuracy analysis of simplified and rigorous numerical methods applied to binary nanopatterning gratings in non-paraxial domainFrancés, Jorge; Bleda, Sergio; Gallego, Sergi, et al
Open accessOL_v32_n17_p2511_2007.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2007Accurate control of a liquid-crystal display to produce a homogenized Fourier transform for holographic memoriesMárquez, Andrés; Gallego, Sergi; Méndez Alcaraz, David Israel, et al
Open accessMaterials_v13_n170_art3725_2020.pdf.jpg23-Aug-2020Accurate, Efficient and Rigorous Numerical Analysis of 3D H-PDLC GratingsFrancés, Jorge; Bleda, Sergio; Puerto, Daniel, et al
Open accessPolymers_v9_n7_art00298_2017.pdf.jpg21-Jul-2017Additives Type Schiff’s Base as Modifiers of the Optical Response in Holographic Polymer-Dispersed Liquid CrystalsFenoll Gambín, Sandra; Navarro-Fuster, Víctor; Ortuño, Manuel, et al
Open accessspecial_issue_PRI_v2013_artID430947_2013.pdf.jpgApr-2013Advances in novel optical materials and devicesGleeson, Michael R.; Tomita, Yasuo; Gallego, Sergi, et al
Open access9RNO_prl044_2009.pdf.jpgSep-2009Ajuste de perfiles periódicos de modulación de fase en materiales de registro holográficoMárquez, Andrés; Gallego, Sergi; Méndez Alcaraz, David Israel, et al
Open access2019_Fernandez_etal_FocusMicroscopy.pdf.jpg14-Apr-2019Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Experimental Phase RetrievalFernandez, Roberto; Marcos, Asier; Zacharakis, Giannis, et al