INV - EQUIDIVERSIDAD - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 375
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
EmbargoedCerdan-Torregrosa_etal_2025_ChildYouthServRev_final.pdf.jpg19-Jan-2025Delving into teen dating violence, gender and health assets in a participatory educational intervention: A mixed methods evaluationCerdán-Torregrosa, Ariadna; Pérez-Martínez, Vanesa; Sanz-Barbero, Belen; Davó-Blanes, M. Carmen; Vives-Cases, Carmen
Open accessCerdan-Torregrosa_etal_2025_IntJEquityHealth.pdf.jpg20-Jan-2025Areas for action to promote positive forms of masculinities in preventing violence against women: a concept mapping study in SpainCerdán-Torregrosa, Ariadna; Sanz-Barbero, Belen; La Parra-Casado, Daniel, et al
Restricted accessDrou-Roget_etal_2025_PsycholSexOrientatGenderDivers_final.pdf.jpg2025Mental Well-Being, Sexual Orientation, and Interpersonal Stigma in Cisgender Adolescents in Catalonia, From a Gender and Territorial PerspectiveDrou-Roget, Gemma; Bosque-Prous, Marina; Gonzalez-Casals, Helena, et al
Open accessEspinar-Ruiz_Moreno-Seco_2024_HistPolit.pdf.jpg2-Dec-2024Mujeres, feminismo y relaciones intergeneracionales en el movimiento anti-OTAN de CanariasEspinar-Ruiz, Eva; Moreno-Seco, Mónica
Open accessGonzalez-Rabago_etal_2024_GacSanit.pdf.jpg4-Oct-2024Raza, salud y sistema sanitario: la necesidad de abordar el racismo institucional en EspañaGonzález-Rábago, Yolanda; La Parra-Casado, Daniel; Jacques-Aviñó, Constanza, et al
Open accessOcampo-Bernasconi_etal_2024_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg24-Sep-2024From general rejection to individual normalization: Ambivalences in discourses on intimate partner violence by young SpaniardsOcampo Bernasconi, Ismael Germán; Espinar-Ruiz, Eva; La Parra-Casado, Daniel, et al
Open accessForcadell‐Diez_etal_2024_JSchoolHealth.pdf.jpg10-Sep-2024Evaluation of the Let's Focus! (Posem el Focus) Socioeducational Intervention: Promoting Healthy and Equitable Relationships in High SchoolsForcadell-Díez, Lluís; Pérez-Martínez, Vanesa; Guitart, Elisabeth, et al
Open accessJankowiak_etal_2024_SocSci.pdf.jpg28-Aug-2024I Was the Violence Victim, I Am the Perpetrator: Bullying and Cyberbullying Perpetration and Associated Factors among AdolescentsJankowiak, Barbara; Jaskulska, Sylwia; Pérez-Martínez, Vanesa, et al
Restricted accessNardini_etal_2024JInterpersonalViolence_final.pdf.jpg27-Jul-2024Constructing, Deconstructing or Abolishing? Discourses on Masculinities in Violence Against Women Prevention by Stakeholders in SpainNardini, Krizia; Cerdán-Torregrosa, Ariadna; Sanz-Barbero, Belen, et al
Open accessSanz-Barbero_etal_2024_BMCPublicHealth.pdf.jpg19-Jul-2024Characterizing myths of sexual aggression in the young population in SpainSanz-Barbero, Belen; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Vall-Llosera Casanovas, Laura, et al
Open accessOhman_etal_2024_BMCPrimCare.pdf.jpg16-Jul-2024‘Important, but difficult’: Swedish primary care professionals’ perceptions and experiences of dealing with violence against women: an interview studyÖhman, Ann; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Edin, Kerstin
Open accessDuran-Martin_etal_2024_ArchPublicHealth.pdf.jpg21-Jun-2024“Thanks to my activists Friends”: a qualitative study of perspectives of young adults and professionals on the factors related to seeking support among victims of sexual violence in SpainDurán-Martín, Eva; Sanz-Barbero, Belen; Muñoz-Haba, Aitana, et al
Open accessChuquitarco-Morales_etal_2024_JContempEuroStud_final.pdf.jpg6-Jun-2024Environmental sensitivity in the 27 National Roma Integration Strategies of the European Union member statesChuquitarco-Morales, Alejandro; La Parra-Casado, Daniel; Sanchís-Ramón, María-José
Restricted accessBosch-Aris_etal_2024_Violence_final.pdf.jpg17-May-2024Teen sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and health in an urban settingBosch-Arís, Mar; León-Gómez, Brenda Biaani; Forcadell-Díez, Lluís, et al
Open accessChuquitarco-Morales_etal_2024_Appetite.pdf.jpg3-May-2024Madrid immigrants’ perceptions of urban food environments and their dietary behavioursChuquitarco-Morales, Alejandro; Rivera Navarro, Jesús; La Parra-Casado, Daniel, et al
Open accessGines-Sanchez_etal_2024_AGER.pdf.jpg22-Feb-2024Urbanormatividad en participación ciudadana: Evaluación de la calidad de la participación y dimensión demográfica. Un estudio de la Comunitat Valenciana (España)Ginés Sánchez, Xavier; Català Oltra, Lluís; Francés, Francisco, et al
Open accessOtero-Garcia_etal_2024_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg4-Apr-2024Accessibility of intimate partner violence-related services for young women in Spain. Qualitative study on professionals’ perspectivesOtero, Laura; Durán-Martín, Eva; Castellanos Torres, Esther, et al
Open accessOsorio-Rauld_etal_2024_BusinessPolit.pdf.jpg18-Mar-2024Political culture and attitudes of economic elites: explaining the Chilean business community’s rejection to constitutional changeOsorio Rauld, Nelson Alejandro; Pelfini, Alejandro; Català Oltra, Lluís, et al
Open accessVives-Cases_etal_2024_GacSanit.pdf.jpg23-Feb-2024Violencia sexual y jóvenes: «no es algo con lo que naces, sino con lo que aprendes»Vives-Cases, Carmen; Castellanos Torres, Esther; Sanz-Barbero, Belen
Open accessSanz-Barbero_etal_2024_BMCPublicHealth.pdf.jpg5-Feb-2024Pornography, sexual orientation and ambivalent sexism in young adults in SpainSanz-Barbero, Belen; Estévez-García, Francisco; Madrona-Bonastre, Raquel, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 375