CRREM Retrofit Harmonisation Roadmap. A Guide to Policy Formulation in the European Commercial Real Estate Industry

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Title: CRREM Retrofit Harmonisation Roadmap. A Guide to Policy Formulation in the European Commercial Real Estate Industry
Authors: Haran, Martin | Davis, Peadar | McCord, Michael | Lo, Daniel | Hirsch, Jens | Wein, Julia | Bienert, Sven | Spanner, Maximilian | Geiger, Peter | Lafuente, Juan José | Landyr, Erik | Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma | Pérez Sánchez, Vicente Raúl | Juárez Tárraga, Francisco | Martínez Llorens, Ana Maria | Brounen, Dirk
Research Group/s: Economía de la Vivienda y Sector Inmobiliario (ECOVISI) | Materiales y Sistemas Constructivos de la Edificación
Center, Department or Service: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Análisis Económico Aplicado | Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Edificación y Urbanismo | Universidad de Alicante. Instituto Interuniversitario de Economía Internacional
Keywords: Decarbonisation | Real estate industry | Policy formulation | Europe
Knowledge Area: Economía Aplicada | Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: IIÖ Institut für Immobilienökonomie GmbH
Citation: Haran, Martin; Davis, Peadar; McCord, Michael, Lo, Daniel, Hirsch, Jens; Wein, Julia; Bienert, Sven; Spanner, Maximilian; Geiger, Peter; Lafuente, Juan José; Landyr, Erik; Taltavull, Paloma; Perez, Raul; Juárez, Francisco; Martinez, Ana Maria; Brounen, Dirk (2020): CRREM Retrofit Harmonisation Roadmap. A Guide to Policy Formulation in the European Commercial Real Estate Industry. CRREM report No. 3, 2020, Wörgl, Austria
Sponsor: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 785058.
ISSN: 2663-7634
Language: eng
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/report
Rights: The content of this study is the property of the CRREM consortium. Its use, copying, circulation, translation, microstorage, storage and processing using electronic systems for commercial or other purposes is only allowed within the frame of the applicable legal regulations.
Peer Review: no
Appears in Collections:Research funded by the EU
INV - ECOVISI - Informes / Memorias de Investigación
INV - MSCE - Informes / Memorias de Investigación

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