Access | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 |  | 17-Aug-2017 | The Agost Basin (Betic Cordillera, Alicante province, Spain): a pull-apart basin involving salt tectonics | Martín-Martín, Manuel; Estévez Rubio, Antonio; Martin-Rojas, Ivan, et al |
 |  | Jun-1984 | El cabalgamiento Finiserravallense del Norte de Sierra Arana (Cordillera Bética). Observaciones sobre la caracterización bioestratigráfica del Serravallense | Estévez Rubio, Antonio; González-Donoso, J.M.; Linares, D., et al |
 |  | 9-Feb-2022 | The Cenozoic evolution of the Intrarif (Rif, Morocco) | Martín-Martín, Manuel; Guerrera, Francesco; Maaté, Ali, et al |
 |  | Dec-2017 | The External Tanger Unit (Intrarif sub-Domain, External Rifian Zones, Morocco): an interdisciplinary study | Maaté, Soufian; Alcalá, Francisco J.; Guerrera, Francesco, et al |
 |  | Jan-2010 | La Galite Archipelago (Tunisia, North Africa): stratigraphic and petrographic revision and insights for geodynamic evolution of the Maghrebian Chain | Belayouni, Habib; Brunelli, Daniele; Clocchiatti, Roberto, et al |
 |  | 21-Nov-2012 | Geodynamic implications derived from Numidian-like distal turbidites deposited along the Internal–External Domain Boundary of the Betic Cordillera (S Spain) | Alcalá, Francisco J.; Guerrera, Francesco; Martín-Martín, Manuel, et al |
 |  | 8-Mar-2024 | Miocene evolution of the External Rif Zone (Morocco): comparison with similar and lateral southern Mediterranean Tethyan margins | Martín-Martín, Manuel; Guerrera, Francesco; Cañaveras, Juan C., et al |
 |  | 13-Jul-2018 | Miocene tectono-sedimentary evolution of the eastern external Betic Cordillera (Spain) | Martín-Martín, Manuel; Guerrera, Francesco; Rodríguez-Estrella, Tomás, et al |
 |  | 1988 | El Mioceno superior de la Depresión de Guadix-Baza en el sector de Caniles. Implicaciones paleogeográficas | Guerra Merchán, A.; Martín Pérez, José Antonio; Serrano Lozano, Francisco |
 |  | 1985 | El Neógeno del Valle de los Guájares (Cordillera Bética, Granada) | Estévez Rubio, Antonio; González-Donoso, J.M.; Linares, D., et al |
 |  | 1996 | Organización estratigráfica y biostratigrafía del plioceno en el borde sur de la Cuenca del Bajo Segura (sector de Rojales, Alicante), Cordillera Bética Oriental | Soria Mingorance, Jesús Miguel; Alfaro García, Pedro; Ruiz Bustos, Antonio, et al |
 |  | Sep-2014 | Paleogene evolution of the External Betic Zone and geodynamic implications | Guerrera, Francesco; Mancheño, Miguel Ángel; Martín-Martín, Manuel, et al |
 |  | 27-May-2006 | Paleogene tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Alicante Trough (External Betic Zone, SE Spain) and its bearing on the timing of the deformation of the South-Iberian Margin | Guerrera, Francesco; Estévez Rubio, Antonio; López Arcos, Mariano, et al |
 |  | 1999 | Paleogeographic context of the Internal-External Zone Boundary between Sierra de Ponce and the Mula-Pliego | Tent-Manclus, Jose Enrique; Martín-Martín, Manuel; Serrano Lozano, Francisco, et al |
 |  | 1988 | Sobre la edad del comienzo de la actividad magmática en Sierra de Gata (Almería, España) | Serrano Lozano, Francisco |
 |  | 1998 | Stratigraphic and bioestratigraphic studies : their implications to the structural analysis of the internal-external zone boundary of the Betic Cordillera (S Spain) | Tent-Manclus, Jose Enrique; Martín-Martín, Manuel; Martín Pérez, José Antonio, et al |
 |  | Feb-2009 | Stratigraphic and geochemical study of the organic-rich black shales in the Tarcău Nappe of the Moldavidian Domain (Carpathian Chain, Romania) | Belayouni, Habib; Di Staso, Angelida; Guerrera, Francesco, et al |
 |  | Feb-2012 | Stratigraphic update of the Cenozoic Sub-Numidian formations of the Tunisian Tell (North Africa): Tectonic/sedimentary evolution and correlations along the Maghrebian Chain | Belayouni, Habib; Guerrera, Francesco; Martín-Martín, Manuel, et al |
 |  | Dec-2012 | Tectonic control on the sedimentary record of the central Moldavidian Basin (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) | Guerrera, Francesco; Martín-Martín, Manuel; Martín Pérez, José Antonio, et al |