Browsing by Author Maestre, Fernando T.

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Open accessMartins_etal_2024_PLoSBiol.pdf.jpg14-Aug-2024Aboveground and belowground biodiversity have complementary effects on ecosystem functions across global grasslandsMartins, Catarina S.C.; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Jayaramaiah, Ramesha H., et al
Open accessEdlinger_etal_2022_NatEcolEvol_accepted.pdf.jpg7-Jul-2022Agricultural management and pesticide use reduce the functioning of beneficial plant symbiontsEdlinger, Anna; Garland, Gina; Hartman, Kyle, et al
Open access2020_Leon-Sanchez_etal_JEcology_final.pdf.jpgJan-2020Altered leaf elemental composition with climate change is linked to reductions in photosynthesis, growth and survival in a semi‐arid shrublandLeón‐Sánchez, Lupe; Nicolás, Emilio; Prieto, Iván, et al
Open accessECO_15(3)_01.pdf.jpgDec-2006Análisis y modelización de datos espacialmente explícitos en ecologíaMaestre, Fernando T.
Open access2018_Berdugo_etal_JEcology_accepted.pdf.jpg19-May-2018Aridity preferences alter the relative importance of abiotic and biotic drivers on plant species abundance in global drylandsBerdugo, Miguel; Maestre, Fernando T.; Kéfi, Sonia, et al
Open accessZhao_etal_2021_IEEE-TGRS_accepted.pdf.jpg29-Sep-2021Aridity Thresholds Determine the Relationships Between Ecosystem Functioning and Remotely Sensed Indicators Across PatagoniaZhao, Yanchuang; Guirado, Emilio; Gaitán, Juan J., et al
Open accessECO_14(3)_02.pdf.jpgDec-2005Aspectos socioeconómicos y biofísicos de la desertificaciónReynolds, James F.; Maestre, Fernando T.; Huber-Sannwald, Elisabeth, et al
Open accessECO_12(1)_20.pdf.jpgApr-2003Bases ecológicas para la restauración de los espartales semiáridos degradadosMaestre, Fernando T.; Bautista, Susana; Cortina, Jordi, et al
Open accessConcostrina-Zubiri_etal_2022_EurJSoilSci_accepted.pdf.jpg13-Jul-2022Biocrust-forming lichens increase soil available phosphorus under simulated climate changeConcostrina-Zubiri, Laura; Valencia, Enrique; Ochoa, Victoria, et al
Open accessMoreno-Jimenez_etal_2020_CommunBiol.pdf.jpg24-Jun-2020Biocrusts buffer against the accumulation of soil metallic nutrients induced by warming and rainfall reductionMoreno Jiménez, Eduardo; Ochoa-Hueso, Raúl; Plaza, César, et al
Open accessGarcia-Velazquez_etal_2022_JEcol.pdf.jpg27-May-2022Biocrusts increase the resistance to warming-induced increases in topsoil P poolsGarcía-Velázquez, Laura; Gallardo Correa, Antonio; Ochoa, Victoria, et al
Open accessDiaz-Martinez_etal_2023_Ecosystems.pdf.jpg27-Sep-2022Biocrusts Modulate Climate Change Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Pools: Insights From a 9-Year ExperimentDíaz-Martínez, Paloma; Panettieri, Marco; García-Palacios, Pablo, et al
Open accessLafuente_etal_2020_Ecosystems_final.pdf.jpg30-Mar-2020Biocrusts Modulate Responses of Nitrous Oxide and Methane Soil Fluxes to Simulated Climate Change in a Mediterranean DrylandLafuente, Angela; Durán, Jorge; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, et al
Open accessMaestre_etal_2022_WebEcol.pdf.jpg24-Nov-2022The BIODESERT survey: assessing the impacts of grazing on the structure and functioning of global drylandsMaestre, Fernando T.; Eldridge, David J.; Gross, Nicolas, et al
Open accessMaestre_etal_2021_NewPhytologist_final.pdf.jpg17-Apr-2021Biogeography of global drylandsMaestre, Fernando T.; Benito, Blas M.; Berdugo, Miguel, et al
Open accessBanerjee_etal_2024_NatCommun.pdf.jpg6-Jan-2024Biotic homogenization, lower soil fungal diversity and fewer rare taxa in arable soils across EuropeBanerjee, Samiran; Zhao, Cheng; Garland, Gina, et al
Open accessGuerra_etal_2020_NatureComm.pdf.jpg3-Aug-2020Blind spots in global soil biodiversity and ecosystem function researchGuerra, Carlos A.; Heintz-Buschart, Anna; Sikorski, Johannes, et al
Open accessLu_etal_2022_SciBull_accepted.pdf.jpg12-Nov-2022Breaking the land degradation-poverty nexus in drylandsLu, Nan; Fu, Bojie; Smith, Mark S., et al
Open accessGarcia-Velazquez_etal_2020_FunctEcology_final.pdf.jpgAug-2020Climate and soil micro‐organisms drive soil phosphorus fractions in coastal dune systemsGarcía‐Velázquez, Laura; Rodríguez, Alexandra; Gallardo, Antonio, et al
Open accessDacal_etal_2022_FunctEcol.pdf.jpg25-Dec-2021Climate change legacies contrastingly affect the resistance and resilience of soil microbial communities and multifunctionality to extreme droughtDacal, Marina; García-Palacios, Pablo; Asensio, Sergio, et al