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Open access2008_Crete_Marin_J_SiC_TiC.pdf.jpgJun-2008Aggregation effects in the energy loss of swift H and He ions in SiC and TiCMoreno Marín, Juan Carlos; Heredia-Avalos, Santiago; Abril, Isabel, et al
Restricted access2007NIMB256(2007)137-alineados_H2.pdf.jpg24-Jan-2007Alignment effects in the interaction of H2+ source molecules with thin foilsDenton Zanello, Cristian D.; Abril, Isabel; García Molina, Rafael, et al
Restricted access2006GarciaMolina.etal-NIMB249(2006)6_alotropos.pdf.jpg6-May-2006Allotropic effects on the energy loss of swift H+ and He+ ion beams through thin foilsGarcía Molina, Rafael; Abril, Isabel; Denton Zanello, Cristian D., et al
Restricted access2010_JAP108(2010)054312_Emfietzoglou_nanotubos.pdf.jpg3-Sep-2010Analytic expressions for the inelastic scattering and energy loss of electron and proton beams in carbon nanotubesEmfietzoglou, Dimitris; Kyriakou, Ioanna; García Molina, Rafael, et al
Restricted access2014_De-Vera_etal_EurPhysJ-D_final.pdf.jpgApr-2014Analytical model of ionization and energy deposition by proton beams in subcellular compartmentsVera Gomis, Pablo de; Surdutovich, Eugene; Abril, Isabel, et al
Open accessPhysRevLett.114.018101.pdf.jpg5-Jan-2015Angular and Energy Distributions of Electrons Produced in Arbitrary Biomaterials by Proton ImpactVera Gomis, Pablo de; García Molina, Rafael; Abril, Isabel
Open access12-Nov-2024Apertura del curso e introducciónAbril, Isabel; Pastor-Blas, M. Mercedes; Cuenca, Nicolás, et al
Open access7-Sep-2023Apertura del curso e introducciónAbril, Isabel; Pastor-Blas, M. Mercedes; Cuenca, Nicolás, et al
Open access2013_Archubi_etal_NIMB_final.pdf.jpg1-Dec-2013Barkas effect in the stopping power for ions with different ionization degreesArchubi, Claudio D.; Abril, Isabel; García Molina, Rafael, et al
Restricted access2009_NIMB267(2009)2647_RGM_dose_water.pdf.jpg27-May-2009Calculated depth-dose distributions for H+ and He+ beams in liquid waterGarcía Molina, Rafael; Abril, Isabel; Denton Zanello, Cristian D., et al
Open access2008_Crete_Abril_I_water.pdf.jpgJun-2008Calculated electronic energy loss of swift proton and helium ion beams in liquid waterAbril, Isabel; García Molina, Rafael; Denton Zanello, Cristian D., et al
Restricted access2009_NIMB267(2009)872_InP.pdf.jpg11-Feb-2009Calculated energy loss of a swift fullerene ion beam in InPAbril, Isabel; García Molina, Rafael; Denton Zanello, Cristian D., et al
Open access2005_PhysRevA.72.052902.pdf.jpg4-Nov-2005Calculated energy loss of swift He, Li, B, and N ions in SiO2, Al2O3, and ZrO2Heredia-Avalos, Santiago; García Molina, Rafael; Fernández Varea, José M., et al
Open accessAbril_etal_2022_JPhysConfSer.pdf.jpg2022Calculated energy loss of swift light ions in platinum and gold: importance of the target electronic excitation spectrumAbril, Isabel; Vera Gomis, Pablo de; García Molina, Rafael
Open access2007_PhysRevA.75.022903.pdf.jpg20-Feb-2007Calculation of energy-loss straggling of C, Al, Si, and Cu for fast H, He, and Li ionsMontanari, C.C.; Miraglia, J.E.; Heredia-Avalos, Santiago, et al
Restricted access2007NIMB256(2007)172-stopping plata.pdf.jpg16-Jan-2007Calculation of the energy loss of swift H and He ions in Ag using the dielectric formalism: the role of inner-shell ionizationAbril, Isabel; Moreno Marín, Juan Carlos; Fernández Varea, José M., et al
Restricted access2000NIMB164-165(2000)296-cluster_B_n.pdf.jpgApr-2000Calculations on vicinage effects in the energy loss of fast Bn+ (n=2,3,4) molecules in carbon foilsHeredia-Avalos, Santiago; García Molina, Rafael; Abril, Isabel
Open access2009_Actas_Fisica Medica 131-14_HerediaAvalos.pdf.jpgJun-2009Cálculo de la pérdida de energía de haces de protones en agua líquida a partir de modelos ópticos realistasGarcía Molina, Rafael; Abril, Isabel; Denton Zanello, Cristian D., et al
Restricted access2013_Abril_etal_AQC_final.pdf.jpg2013Chapter six – Inelastic Collisions of Energetic Protons in Biological MediaAbril, Isabel; García Molina, Rafael; Vera Gomis, Pablo de, et al
Open accessSep-2014Cloenda curs La ciència pren la paraula (2014)Abril, Isabel