

RUA (Institutional Repository University of Alicante) collects, preserves and distributes the digital documents resulting from research and academic activities at the University of Alicante. Here, you can find articles, working papers, preprints, technical reports, conference papers, materials for the teaching activity and data collections in different digital formats. Our contents increase dialy with the registration of new communities and collections.

The contents of RUA are organized in four general deposits: Academic activity, Institutional, Research and Journals and Proceedings. Each of these deposits is organized by communities and sub-communities. There may be an unlimited number of collections within each community and sub-community. There be an unlimited number of documents.

RUA can be consulted by any user. In order to use some services and functions, users are required to register.

You need to register if:

You need to be an authorized memebr of the University of Alicante if you want to add an item.

Simple search

If you wish to search RUA thoroughly, use the search box on the upper part of the browser bar.

Write the term to be searched and click on the Search button.

On the results window, you can limit your search to a specific community with the drop-down menu of the new search box:

Find some guidelines below:

Advanced search

Advanced search allows delimiting the field in which we want to make the search, and combine the search with the operators AND, OR and NOT.

it can limit the search to a particular community by selecting it in "Search":

Also, the title, author, keywords...etc. are offered

NOTE: Search boxes are used in order. If you leave the first box blank, the search will not function.


The content of RUA is organized in four main deposits (Academic activity, Institutional, Research and Journals and Proceedings). Within each main deposit, there exist an structure by communities and sub-communities, which include an unlimited number of collections. Each of these collections may contain an unlimited number of documents. This structure allows RUA a certain flexibility to solve the different needs of the sub-communities:

To decide:

To determine the workflow- revise, edit, metadata

To administer collections

Each sub-community posses its own information, latest news and related links with its activities, as well as a list of the collections in each sub-community.


Sub-communities can maintain an unlimited number of collections in RUA. The collections are organized -in the case of Academic, Institutional & Research deposits- by types of documents (articles of journals, conference papers, technical reports, working papers, teaching material, audio visual resources, etc.). In the case of the deposit of journals and proceedings, the collections are the volumes or numbers of the same, or the year of the congress. Collections may contain different policies and work proceedings.


When you enter an area of RUA in which authorization is required, you will be asked for your e-mail address and password. Registration is required in order to retrieve your password. Any person can register to be a user of the system; nevertheless, some functions are restricted, such as the deposit of contents, which require authorization on the part of the community.


There are two options to start the deposit process in RUA: You can enter “My RUA” section and click on the button “Submit to This Collection”.

Another way to start the deposit of documents can be made by browsing the existing collections until you find the right collection to add your document. After doing so, you only need to click on the button “submit to this collection”.

Interrupt the deposit process

You can cancel the deposit at any time of the process and save your work by clicking on the option “Cancel/Save” located at the end of the page.

The data which has already been inserted, will be stored until you re-start the process. You will be notified through “My RUA” when a process of deposit is pending. If you cancel unintentionally a process of deposit, you can always re-start it through “My RUA” site. Also, you can cancel your deposit at any time.

Select Collection

When you generate a process to file from “My RUA”, you should select the collection where you intend to insert your work.

If you have started your self-generated archive by browsing the existing collections, this step will not be necessary.

Press on the arrow on the right of the dialogue box to display the list with the collections. Move the mouse up to where you wish to add your documents and select it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the collections in your community do not appear or you are denied permission to deposit, you should contact: for further information.

You require your community's permission to deposit your documents in any of its collections. If you intend to deposit a document in RUA but you are not a member of any of its communities, you should contact and get information on how to establish a community within RUA.

Select the option “Next” to continue or “Cancel/Save” to cancel or save your deposit.

Submit – Describe your item (page 1)

If your answer if "yes" to any of the questions on this form, a form adapted to collect extra information will be displayed. Otherwise, a standard form will be shown.

Click on the "Next" button to continue, or "Cancel/Save" to cancel or save your document(s).

Submit – Describe your item (page 2)

The information inserted in this section will constitute a “metadata” register which will allow searching and finding your documents by using search engines. The more detailed this “metadata” register is, the easier it will be to find your document. Thus, complete all fields applicable to your document. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory.


Insert the author(s)'s name of the article to be deposited. Select the option “Add more” to add as many authors are required. An author or co-authorcan be a person, an organization or a service responsible for the creation of the content of the document. If the author is an organization, use field "Surname" to insert the organization's name


Insert the full designation of the document. All the RUA documents should be given a title. The title should not end with punctuation. If it has a subtitle, place a semicolon, space [: ] after the title. Use capitals only for the first letter of the title and for proper names.

Other titles

This field only appears if you have indicated in the first page that this item has more than one title. It it has a valid alternative title, for example a title in another languages or an abbreviation, you should insert it here.

Publication date

Insert the publication or distribution date (you can leave blank the day or the month if you ignore it). This field is compulsory if the article has been already published.

Publishing Firm

This field only appears if you have indicated on the first page that this item has been previously published or distributed.


Some collections are numbered in RUA, for example technical reports or working papers.


if you know a unique number or code which identifies the document in any system, you should insert it in this part of the process. Press on the arrow at the right of the entry box and select one of the options available.

The options available are:

Submit – Describe your item (page 3)


Select the type of work (or genre) which suits your document best.


Select the language of your document (if it is written down in more than one, select the dominant one). If you want to select more than one value from the list, you need to keep “ctrl” key and to select other language with the mouse. If it is not a textual document, or the language used is not on the list, select the option “Others”.


Insert all the keywords required to describe your document, from the most general ones to those more specific. The more terms you use, the more possibilities users will have to find your document when searching by subjects. Use a text box for each keyword. You can add more text boxes by pressing the button “Add more”.


Insert in the text box the abstract of the document in the main language, corresponding to the language selected previously. You can insert an abstract in a language other than the main one by clicking on "Add more".

Sponsored by

If your document is results from a sponsored research work, you can provide information on the sponsor(s) within the field “Sponsors”. This box can be completed freely.


You can insert here any comments which describe the document, or comments which can be useful for users of the document and cannot be inserted in another field. This information will be viewed in the public abstract of the document.

Select the option “Next” to continue or “Cancel/Save” to cancel or save your deposit.

Submit - Upload your file

Upload your file

There are two methods to insert the file you intend to upload:

Write the complete route and the file name in the entry box and press on button “Next” at the screen lower right part.

Press on button “Search” and a window with your files will shown up. Browse through the directories and folders to find the file you want to upload.

Upload multiple files

If you wish to upload several files, you have an entry box under the title of “File description”. The information inserted here will help users to know the type of information stored on every file, for example:: “Main document”, or “Imagess” or “Computing program” or “Data”. Provide a description for each file and select “Next” to continue.

File formats

To upload your files correctly and allow access to a file, you need to know its format: for example “PDF” or “HTML” or “Microsoft Word”. If the system does not recognize the file format automatically, you will be asked to specify it. If the file format appears on the list given, select it and press on “Deposit”. If you do not find the format on the list, select “Format is not on the list”, and describe it in the text box at the end of the page. Remember to give the name of the applet used to create the file, for example a version of the applet: “Autodesk AutoCad R20 for UNIX”.

View supported formats.

Note: If you use Netscape browser, the default types of files are "HTML". This is why you may not view all your files.

On computers with Windows or Macintosh: the window for the file type should display the test "All types of files (*.*)" to view all the files in a directory.

In UNIX systems, click on the right of "*.html" within the upper text box, and delete ".html", although leave "*". Afterwards, click on "Filter" at the lower part of the window. You will view all the files.

Once the file name is in the entry box, click on "Next" to proceed.

Uploaded files

After a file has been uploaded, verify the information in the table and make sure it is correct. There are two ways of veryfying that the files have been correctly uploaded:

If you only upload one file, press on “Next” when you are sure that the file was correctly uploaded.

If you upload more than one file, press on “Add another file” and repeat the process. Once you ar esure that all files have been correctly uploaded, press on “Next”.

Check the deposit

This option allows revising the information that has been written down on the document description so far. If you want to revise or edit the information, click on the corresponding button on the right or use the oval buttons on the progress bar to view the pages of the deposit process. When you are sure that your deposit is correct, click on “Next” to continue.

Select the option “Next” to continue or “Cancel/Save” to cancel or save your deposit.

Creative Commons Licence

Authors may opt to asign a Creative Commons licence to their documents from here. Choose one of the options given, click on "Choose a licence" and then on "Proceed". If you do not want to assign a Creative Commons licence, click on "Skip Creative Commons".

For further information on these licences, go to Copyright Information.

Non-exclusive licence of deposit

Depositors should grant of Alicante a non-exclusive licence to keep and make their documents accessible in electronic format in the Repository of of Alicante (RUA).

If necessary, the communities may define specific licences for their collections, although, the non-exclusive distribution licence (displayed below) will be used by default.

With the concession of this non-exclusive licence, the academic and research staff keeps their copyright and, thus, they can use the work deposited as they wish (publish it, deposit it in other repositories, etc.) If you do not grant this concession you are not allowed to go on the deposit process.

“Non-exclusive Distribution Licence"

In order to let of Alicante's Repository reproduce and announce its documents, acceptance of the following conditions is required. Please, read carefully the following terms of the licence:

  1. By accepting this licence, you (the author(s) or owner(s) of the copyright) guarantee of Alicante the non-exclusive right of filing, reproducing, converting (as defined below), communicating and/or distributing your document in electronic format worldwide.
  2. You also agree that of Alicante can preserve more than one copy of this document and, without altering its content, convert it to another format, medium or support, for security, preservation and access purposes.
  3. You declare that the document is an original work of yours and/or you have the right to award the rights contained in this licence. You also declare that your document does not infringe, as far as you know, the copyright of any other person or entity.
  4. If your document contains materials from which you do not posess the copyright, you declare that you have obtained permission without restriction of the copyright from the owner to award of Alicante the required rights of this licence, and that such material whose rights are for third parties, are clearly identified and recognized in the text or content of the document delivered.
  5. If the document is based on a work which has been sposored or supported by an agency or organization other than of Alicante, we assume that you have fulfilled any right of revision of the obligations required by this contract or agreement.
  6. University of Alicante will clearly identify its name/s as well as the author(s)'s or owner(s) of the rights, and they shall not make any alteration of the document different from those allowed under this licence.

Concluded deposit

After accepting the first non-exclusive distribution licence, you will enter a page which will indicate that your deposit has been completed.

Now, that your document has been inserted in RUA successfully, it will go through the workflow defined for the collection in which it was deposited.

Some collections are configured so that the deposit workflow undergoes edition and revision phases, whereas some others can accept the deposit of documents immediately. You will receive notification via e-mail when your document had been added to the collection, or if there is any problem with it.

For further information on the proceedings of a particular collection, you can contact the person responsible (coordinator) of the community you belong to. You can also check the status of your deposit through “My RUA” area

Handle System tool

Handle, persistent identifier

From the moment that your document belongs to RUA, it is given a persistent URL. This means that, contrary to most of the URL’s, this identifier will not be altered with the system migration to new equipment (hardware), or when alterations are produced within the system. You will receive the persistent URL via e-mail. RUA (through the UA Bibliographical Information & Documentation Service – SIBID) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the identifier in such a way that you can use it securely to refer to your document in quotes, publications and other communications. Persistent URL’s are registered with Handle System, a system to assign, administer and solve persistent identifiers, best known as “Handles”, for electronic documents and other resources on the Internet. "Handle System” is managed by


Only for authorized users.

My RUA is a personal Web site maintained by its users. This site contains a list of the items which are in process of delivery for a particular member, or a list of items that need edition, revision or checking.

If you are an authorized user of RUA, or you are responsible for the RUA collections or metadata maintenance, you will have a "My RUA" site.

You will find here:

Updates via email

Users can subscribe to this service to receive daily alerts via e-mail on new items added to the collections. Users can subscribe to as many collections as they wish.

How to subscribe to a collection:

This page also hosts information on personal services offered by RUA, such as notification via e-mail when new items have been added to a collection.

Further information

Please, contact the RUA administratorfor further help and/or questions on self-archive.

For general information and news on DSpace, go to DSpace Website.