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AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessBienal_Sevilla_XXVIII_p377_2002.pdf.jpgSep-2001Efectos de sobremodulación en hologramas en emulsiones de haluro de plata blanqueadasNeipp, Cristian; Pascual, Inmaculada; Beléndez, Augusto
Restricted accessMSF_v480-481_p543_2005.pdf.jpg2005Holographic gratings with different spatial frequencies recorded on BB-640 bleached silver halide emulsions using reversal bleachesAlvarez, Mariela L.; Camacho, Norma; Neipp, Cristian; Márquez, Andrés; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Restricted accessOC_v173_n1-6_p161_2000.pdf.jpg1-Jan-2000The influence of the development in silver halide sensitized gelatin holograms derived from PFG-01 platesNeipp, Cristian; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Restricted accessOC_v155_n4-6_p241_1998.pdf.jpg15-Oct-1998Improved spatial frequency response in silver halide sensitized gelatin hologramsBeléndez, Augusto; Neipp, Cristian; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessOA_v21_n3_p225_1991.pdf.jpgDec-1991Optimization of reconstruction geometry for maximum diffraction efficiency in HOE - the influence of recording materialBeléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada; Fimia Gil, Antonio
Open accessJOSAA_v9_n7_p1214_1992.pdf.jpgJul-1992Model for analyzing the effects of processing on recording material in thick hologramsBeléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada; Fimia Gil, Antonio
Restricted accessAPB_v63_n1_p29_1996.pdf.jpgJul-1996Diffraction efficiency and signal-to-noise ratio of multiplexed volume phase holograms recorded in a photographic emulsionFuentes Rosillo, Rosa; Beléndez, Augusto; Fimia Gil, Antonio
Open accessSPIE_v3956_p376_2000.pdf.jpg17-Mar-2000Phase holograms in silver halide emulsions without a bleaching stepBeléndez, Augusto; Madrigal Madrigal, Roque Fernando; Pascual, Inmaculada; Fimia Gil, Antonio
Open accessSPIE_v4829_p571_2002.pdf.jpgAug-2002Thick phase holographic gratings recorded on Agfa 8E75 HD, BB-640 and PFG-01 red sensitive silver halide materialsNeipp, Cristian; Márquez, Andrés; Pascual, Inmaculada; Beléndez, Augusto
Open accessJOEL_v9_supp_p400_1998.pdf.jpgAug-1998Copying low spatial frequency holograms in silver halide emulsions: the influence of the bleach bathMárquez, Andrés; Pascual, Inmaculada; Fimia Gil, Antonio; Beléndez, Augusto; Campos Coloma, Juan; Yzuel Giménez, María Josefa