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AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Restricted accessOPTIK_2009proofs.pdf.jpgJan-2010Optimization of a holographic memory setup using an LCD and a PVA-based photopolymerFernandez-Varo, Helena; Ortuño, Manuel; Gallego, Sergi; Márquez, Andrés; García Llopis, Celia; Fuentes Rosillo, Rosa; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessPIER_v118_p167_2011.pdf.jpg30-Jun-2011Analysis of reflection gratings by means of a matrix method approachFrancés, Jorge; Neipp, Cristian; Márquez, Andrés; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessREF_v24_n2_pp70-71_2010.pdf.jpgApr-2010Creación del Instituto Universitario de Física Aplicada a las Ciencias y las Tecnologías (IUFACyT) en la Universidad de AlicanteBeléndez, Augusto
Open accessSPIE_vol8167_art816709_2011.pdf.jpg21-Sep-2011Analysis of the diffraction efficiency of reflection and transmission holographic gratings by means of a parallel FDTD approachFrancés, Jorge; Bleda, Sergio; Gallego, Sergi; Neipp, Cristian; Márquez, Andrés; Pascual, Inmaculada; Beléndez, Augusto
Restricted accessAMC_v218_n10_p6168_2012_accepted.pdf.jpg15-Jan-2012Comments on ‘A finite extensibility nonlinear oscillator’Beléndez, Augusto; Arribas Garde, Enrique; Francés, Jorge; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessSPIE_v8204_p820421_2011.pdf.jpg23-Dec-2011Comparison of photopolymers for optical data storage applications and relief diffractive optical elements recorded onto photopolymersGallego, Sergi; Márquez, Andrés; Ortuño, Manuel; Neipp, Cristian; Beléndez, Augusto; Pascual, Inmaculada
Open accessSPIE_v8204_p820432_2011.pdf.jpg23-Dec-2011Performance improvement of high-thickness photopolymers for holographic data storage applicationsOrtuño, Manuel; Gallego, Sergi; Márquez, Andrés; Neipp, Cristian; Pascual, Inmaculada; Beléndez, Augusto
Restricted accessMCM_v54_n11-12_p3204_2011_pre.pdf.jpg16-Jun-2011Notes on ‘Application of the Hamiltonian approach to nonlinear oscillators with rational and irrational elastic terms’Beléndez, Augusto; Arribas Garde, Enrique; Francés, Jorge; Pascual, Inmaculada
Restricted accessIEEE_TransEducation_v55_n1_p118_2012.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2012Educational software for interference and optical diffraction analysis in Fresnel and Fraunhofer regions based on MATLAB GUIs and the FDTD methodFrancés, Jorge; Pérez Molina, Manuel; Bleda, Sergio; Fernandez-Varo, Helena; Neipp, Cristian; Beléndez, Augusto
Restricted accessEJP_v32_n5_p1303_2011.pdf.jpg27-Jul-2011Approximate expressions for the period of a simple pendulum using a Taylor series expansionBeléndez, Augusto; Arribas Garde, Enrique; Márquez, Andrés; Ortuño, Manuel; Gallego, Sergi