Fajardo, Maria Dolores, López Cerdá, Marco A. Some results on quasipolyhedral convexity FAJARDO GÓMEZ, María Dolores; LÓPEZ CERDÁ, Marco Antonio. “Some results on quasipolyhedral convexity”. TOP. Vol. 15, No. 1 (July 2007). ISSN 1134-5764, pp. 103-113 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/8362 DOI: 10.1007/s11750-007-0001-8 ISSN: 1134-5764 (Print) Abstract: The objective of this paper is to analyze under what well-known operations tha class of quasipolyhedral convex functions, which can be regarded as an extension of that of polyhedral convex functions, is closed. The operations that will be considered are those that preserve polyhedral convexity, such that the image and the inverse image under linear transformations, right scalar multiplication (including the case where λ=0+) and pointwise addition. Keywords:Semi-infinite linear inequality systems, Polyhedral and quasipolyhedral convex sets, Recession function Springer Berlin / Heidelberg info:eu-repo/semantics/article