Gallardo Calero, Clara M., Tortosa, Leandro, Vicent, Jose F., Zamora, Antonio A secret sharing scheme based on exponentiation in Galois fields GALLARDO, Clara M., et al. "A secret sharing scheme based on exponentiation in Galois fields". International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Issue 2, Vol. 2 (2008). ISSN 2074-1278, pp. 57-66 URI: DOI: ISSN: 2074-1278 Abstract: To provide more efficient and flexible alternatives for the applications of secret sharing schemes, this paper describes a threshold sharing scheme based on exponentiation of matrices in Galois fields. A significant characteristic of the proposed scheme is that each participant has to keep only one master secret share which can be used to reconstruct different group secrets according to the number of threshold values. Keywords:Computer security, Cryptography, Public-key cryptography, Threshold schemes, Prepositioned secret sharing University Press info:eu-repo/semantics/article