Gomis Yagües, Vicente, Boluda Botella, Nuria, Ruiz Beviá, Francisco Column displacement experiments to validate hydrogeochemical models of seawater intrusions GOMIS YAGÜES, Vicente; BOLUDA BOTELLA, Nuria; RUIZ BEVIÁ, Francisco. "Column displacement experiments to validate hydrogeochemical models of seawater intrusions". Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. Vol. 29, Issue 1 (Dec. 1997). ISSN 0169-7722, pp. 81-91 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10045/2118 DOI: 10.1016/S0169-7722(96)00088-5 ISSN: 0169-7722 Abstract: Two sets of experimental data have been obtained flushing seawater through columns packed with sediment which had been previously in equilibrium with freshwater. The sets of data contain the ion concentrations of the outflow and the physical and chemical parameters needed for the theoretical simulation of marine intrusion using a hydrogeochemical model. The results show the decisive importance of the Péclet number in the shape of the curves of variation of the different ions with time. Keywords:Column, Experimental data, Hydrogeochemistry, Seawater intrusion Elsevier info:eu-repo/semantics/article