Carrillo Andrada, José Antonio Food for Atlas UOU scientific journal. 2022, 4: 166-199. URI: DOI: 10.14198/UOU.2022.4.16 ISSN: 2697-1518 Abstract: This Atlas section shows the work that undergraduate and master's degree students have produced in three workshops where the relationship between architecture and gastronomy, same as the call of this issue# 4 Gastrotecture, has been the central theme, the cultural diversifier and nexus of unity among participating students. The first two workshops are part of the UoU network. Students of the Digital Design and Fabrication course in Architecture at the American University in Dubai joined this European teaching project. They participated in the workshop Architecture & Food: An International Buffet in September 2020 and the 2043 A Dinner with Churchill in the Metaverse workshop in February 2022. The workshops lasted two weeks and were online. The third and last workshop presented here is entitled Bigamies for gastronomy and was held face-to-face during the International Seminar and Workshop on Transdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer in the Basque Culinary Center, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, on March 2022. The students of the Master in Gastronomic Sciences, unlike UoU architecture students, have a background closer to gastronomy and far from architecture. Among them are graduates in pharmacy, biotechnology, chemical engineering, cooking, food technology, nutrition and dietetics, and advertising, to name a few. In addition, their places of origin are the USA, Colombia, Peru, India or China. Keywords:Architecture, Gastronomy UNIVERSITY of Universities [UOU] info:eu-repo/semantics/article