INV - AUROVA - Comunicaciones a Congresos Internacionales

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 98
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessOlivas_etal_ICINCO-2023.pdf.jpg2023Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion StrategyOlivas, Alejandro; Muñoz-Bañón, Miguel Á.; Velasco, Edison P., et al
Open accessPaez-Ubieta_etal_2023_IFAC-PapersOnLine.pdf.jpg22-Nov-2023Detection and depth estimation for domestic waste in outdoor environments by sensors fusionPáez Ubieta, Ignacio de Loyola; Velasco, Edison P.; Puente Méndez, Santiago T., et al
Open accessICRA-VITAC2023London-1.pdf.jpg2-Jun-2023Rotational Slippage Prediction from Segmentation of Tactile ImagesCastaño Amorós, Julio; Gil, Pablo
Open accessMunoz-de-la-Pena_etal_2022_IFAC-PapersOnLine.pdf.jpg6-Oct-2022Overview and future trends of control educationMuñoz de la Peña, David; Domínguez, Manuel; Gomez-Estern, Fabio, et al
Restricted accessZapata-Impata2020_Chapter_GeometricallyFindingBestGraspi.pdf.jpg18-Apr-2019Geometrically Finding Best Grasping Points on Single Novel 3D Point CloudZapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Gil, Pablo; Pomares, Jorge
Open accessJNR_2019_Pablo_revisado.pdf.jpg13-Jun-2019Predicción de la Estabilidad en Tareas de Agarre Robótico con Información TáctilZapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Gil, Pablo; Torres, Fernando
Open accessSII_ICCAR_2022.pdf.jpg8-Apr-2022Detection and location of domestic waste for planning its collection using an autonomous robotTornero, Pascual; Puente Méndez, Santiago T.; Gil, Pablo
Open accessCastano-Amoros_etal_ROBOVIS-2021.pdf.jpg27-Oct-2021Touch Detection with Low-cost Visual-based SensorCastaño Amorós, Julio; Gil, Pablo; Puente Méndez, Santiago T.
Open access2105.06825.pdf.jpg31-May-2021Domestic waste detection and grasping points for robotic picking upGea, Víctor de; Puente Méndez, Santiago T.; Gil, Pablo
Open accessGarcia-Garcia_etal_IJCNN-2019_final.pdf.jpg30-Sep-2019TactileGCN: A Graph Convolutional Network for Predicting Grasp Stability with Tactile SensorsGarcia-Garcia, Alberto; Zapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Orts-Escolano, Sergio, et al
Restricted accessOliver_etal_2020_EFTA_final.pdf.jpg8-Sep-2020Robotic workcell for sole grasping in footwear manufacturingOliver, Guillermo; Gil, Pablo; Torres, Fernando
Restricted accessTahoun_etal_2019_ROBIO_final.pdf.jpg6-Dec-2019Visual Completion Of 3D Object Shapes From A Single View For Robotic TasksTahoun, Mohamed; Mateo Agulló, Carlos; Corrales Ramón, Juan Antonio, et al
Open accessfinal-impata-gil-romado-iros2020.pdf.jpg30-Sep-2020Prediction of Tactile Perception from Vision on Deformable ObjectsZapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Gil, Pablo
Open accessrss-2019.pdf.jpg23-Jun-2019vision2tactile: Feeling Touch by SightZapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Gil, Pablo; Torres, Fernando
Open accessPID5818283.pdf.jpg18-Jan-2019TactileGCN: A Graph Convolutional Network forPredicting Grasp Stability with Tactile SensorsGarcia-Garcia, Alberto; Zapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Orts-Escolano, Sergio, et al
Open access1809.05551.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2018Non-Matrix Tactile Sensors: How Can Be Exploited Their Local Connectivity For Predicting Grasp Stability?Zapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Gil, Pablo; Torres, Fernando
Open accessICPRAM_2019_118.pdf.jpg19-Feb-20193DCNN Performance in Hand Gesture Recognition Applied to Robot Arm InteractionCastro-Vargas, John Alejandro; Zapata-Impata, Brayan S.; Gil, Pablo, et al
Open access2016_Gil_etal_EDULEARN16.pdf.jpg2016Teaching image and video processing with a practical cases-based methodology at the University of AlicanteGil, Pablo; Garcia, Gabriel J.; Puente Méndez, Santiago T., et al
Open access2015_Mateo_etal_ICINCO_final.pdf.jpg17-Jul-2015Analysis of Shapes to Measure Surfaces: An Approach for Detection of DeformationsMateo Agulló, Carlos; Gil, Pablo; Mira Martínez, Damián, et al
Open access2016_Alacid_Gil_ProcSPIE.pdf.jpg18-Oct-2016An approach for SLAR images denoising based on removing regions with low visual quality for oil spill detectionAlacid Soto, Beatriz; Gil, Pablo
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 98