Current Problems Involving the Dismantle of Asbestos- Cement Sheets in Buildings. The Case of Central Market in Alicante

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dc.contributorMateriales y Sistemas Constructivos de la Edificaciónes
dc.contributor.authorSirvent Pérez, César Daniel-
dc.contributor.authorPiedecausa-García, Beatriz-
dc.contributor.authorMateo García, Mónica-
dc.contributor.authorPérez-Carramiñana, Carlos-
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad de Alicante. Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicases
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components". Porto: FEUP Ediçoes, 2011. ISBN 978-972-752-132-6, p. 795-801es
dc.description.abstractThe project and the works described in this article mainly deal with the removal of the current asbestos-cement covering of the roof of the Central Market in Alicante and its replacement with zinc diamond-shaped scales, similar to the originals which were implemented in 1921 when the building was put into service. These upgrades were necessary to avoid the causes (and consequences) of rainwater infiltration, as described in an earlier report in 2006, also drafted by the author of this article. The article illustrates the difficulties involving the practical application of Spanish Code RD 396/2006 (minimum safety and health requirements for work with risk of exposure to asbestos) in a complex case such as this, especially with regard to aspects such as economic (increasing costs), technical (increased difficulty of implementation), and the total duration of the work (total increase in duration due to interference with other trades).es
dc.publisherFEUP Ediçoeses
dc.rights© FEUP Ediçoeses
dc.subjectRoof deconstructiones
dc.subject.otherConstrucciones Arquitectónicases
dc.titleCurrent Problems Involving the Dismantle of Asbestos- Cement Sheets in Buildings. The Case of Central Market in Alicantees
Appears in Collections:INV - MSCE - Comunicaciones a Congresos, Conferencias, etc.
INV - PLAYA - Comunicaciones a Congresos, Conferencias, etc.

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