INV - ECOVISI - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 100
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessTaltavull_2022_JEurRealEstateRes_final.pdf.jpg2-Jun-2022The aftermath of two consecutive crises: Volatility and property market mechanismsTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Open accessTaltavull_etal_2021_StudApplEcon.pdf.jpg4-Jul-2021The Need to Decarbonise Buildings: Reasons, Challenges and ObjectivesTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma; Pérez Sánchez, Vicente Raúl; Juárez Tárraga, Francisco
Open accessGalvez-Perez_etal_2022_IntJEnvironResPublicHealth.pdf.jpg17-Feb-2022The Influence of Built Environment Factors on Elderly Pedestrian Road Safety in Cities: The Experience of MadridGálvez-Pérez, Daniel; Guirao, Begoña; Ortuño Padilla, Armando, et al
Open accessOrtuno_etal_2022_Water.pdf.jpg14-Mar-2022A Socio-Economic and Environmental Analysis of the Implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in Vega Baja—Alicante (Spain)Ortuño Padilla, Armando; Casares Blanco, Jairo; Calero Romero, Paloma, et al
Open accessFlor_etal_2022_IntJEnvironResPublicHealth.pdf.jpg5-Mar-2022Does the Implementation of Ride-Hailing Services Affect Urban Road Safety? The Experience of MadridFlor García, María; Ortuño Padilla, Armando; Guirao, Begoña
Restricted accessMin_etal_2022_JPropInvestFinance_final.pdf.jpg8-Jul-2021COVID-19 and the daily rate of return of three major industry sector stock price indices related to real estateMin, Hyesook; Shin, Seungwoo; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Restricted accessTaltavull_etal_2022_JEurRealEstateRes_final.pdf.jpg19-Jan-2022The impact of crimes on house prices in LA CountyTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma; Berry, Jim; McIlhatton, David, et al
Open accessFlor-Garcia_etal_2021_TransportResProcedia.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2021Urban road accidents and ride-hailing services: a study of dependence in MadridFlor García, María; Ortuño Padilla, Armando; Guirao, Begoña, et al
Open accessGalvez-Perez_etal_2021_TransportResProcedia.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2021Road safety of elderly pedestrians in the urban context: an approach based on infrastructure and socioeconomic variablesGálvez-Pérez, Daniel; Guirao, Begoña; Ortuño Padilla, Armando
Restricted accessSu_etal_2021_RealEstateFinance_final.pdf.jpg2021Investigating China’s Outward FDI in the European Real Estate Industry with a Gravity-Model-Based BenchmarkSu, Zhenyu; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma; Haran, Martin
Open accessTaltavull_2021_JEurRealEstateRes_final.pdf.jpg20-Oct-2021Editorial. Monetary inflation and real estate pricesTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Open accessTaltavull_2021_AcademiaLett.pdf.jpgAug-2021Housing affordability in the 21st centuryTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Restricted accessSu_Taltavull_2021_JEurRealEstateRes_final.pdf.jpg10-Jun-2021Applying the Fama and French three-factor model to analyze risk/reward in the Spanish REITs: an ARDL approachSu, Zhenyu; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Open accessJimenez_etal_2021_EmpirEcon.pdf.jpg16-Aug-2021How does AirBnb affect local Spanish tourism markets?Jiménez, Juan Luis; Ortuño Padilla, Armando; Pérez-Rodríguez, Jorge V.
Restricted accessMiron-Mombiela_etal_2021_UltrasonicImaging_final.pdf.jpg8-Jul-2021Diagnostic Performance of Muscle Echo Intensity and Fractal Dimension for the Detection of Frailty PhenotypeMirón Mombiela, Rebeca; Vucetic, Jelena; Monllor, Paloma, et al
Open accessFlor_etal_2021_Sustainability.pdf.jpg23-May-2021Analysis of the Impact of Ride-Hailing Services on Motor Vehicles Crashes in MadridFlor García, María; Ortuño Padilla, Armando; Guirao, Begoña, et al
Restricted accessTaltavull_2020_Panorama-Social.pdf.jpg2020Los cuatro retos del mercado inmobiliario para las ciudadesTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Open accessRico-Juan_Taltavull_2021_ESWA.pdf.jpg13-Jan-2021Machine learning with explainability or spatial hedonics tools? An analysis of the asking prices in the housing market in Alicante, SpainRico-Juan, Juan Ramón; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Open accessDiaz-Fernandez_etal_2020_AnASEPUMA.pdf.jpg2020Envejecimiento y precio de la vivienda en España. Un ejercicio de modelización dinámicaDíaz Fernández, Montserrat; Llorente Marrón, María del Mar; Méndez Rodríguez, María Paz, et al
Open accessFlor-Garcia_etal_2020_WT-TBE.pdf.jpg2020“Ride-hailing” services and motor vehicle crashes in peripheral areas of Madrid, SpainFlor García, María; Ortuño Padilla, Armando; Guirao, Begoña, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 100