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AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open access2009_International_Real_Estate_Review.pdf.jpg2009Examining retirement housing preferences among international retiree migrantsGibler, Karen M.; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma; Casado-Díaz, José M.; Casado Díaz, María Ángeles; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Vicente
Open access2009_IJHMA.pdf.jpg2009Late life second move housing choices of international retiree migrantsGibler, Karen M.; Casado-Díaz, José M.; Casado Díaz, María Ángeles; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Vicente; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Open access2017_Ortuno_IntJSusDevPlann.pdf.jpg2017Non-Financial Compensations: A Proposal to Refurbish the Old Residential Buildings in Benidorm (Spain)Ortuño Padilla, Armando
Open access2016_Fernandez_Ortuno_LandUsePol_preprint.pdf.jpg15-Dec-2016Costs of providing local public services and compact population in Spanish urbanised areasFernández-Aracil, Patricia; Ortuño Padilla, Armando
Restricted access2015_Taltavull_Gabrielli_HousingStudies_final.pdf.jpg18-Mar-2015Housing Supply and Price Reactions: A Comparison Approach to Spanish and Italian MarketsTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma; Gabrielli, Laura
Restricted access2017_Ortuno_etal_LandUsePolicy_final.pdf.jpgJun-2017The impact of out-of-town shopping centres on town-centre retailers and employment: The case of the Region of MurciaOrtuño Padilla, Armando; Alarcón Hermosilla, Antonia; Tomás Ozores, Olga
Restricted access2016_Ortuno_etal_LandUsePolicy_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2016Golf courses and land use patterns in the south-east of SpainOrtuño Padilla, Armando; Hernández-Hernández, María; Civera, Sergio
Open access2018_Taltavull_JERER_final.pdf.jpg2018Editorial: Reflections and new developments in the Journal of European Real Estate ResearchTaltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Open access2015_White_Taltavull_CuadEconICE.pdf.jpg2015House prices and macroeconomic implications. Current knowledgeWhite, Michael; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma
Restricted access2017_Gabrielli_etal_JERER_final.pdf.jpg2017Long-term regional house prices cycles. A city-based index for ItalyGabrielli, Laura; Taltavull de La Paz, Paloma; Ortuño Padilla, Armando