Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2015 - 9th INSHS International Christmas Sport Scientific Conference, 4-6 December 2014

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 48
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S526-S536.pdf.jpg2015A field research: evaluation of efficiency of P.E. lessonsStloukalová, Brigita; Roztočil, Tomáš; Fialová, Dana, et al
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S521-S525.pdf.jpg2015Soccer players training load during Estonian Premium League matches: comparison of high and low ranking teamsMisjuk, Mikola; Hurt, Norbert; Rannama, Indrek
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S515-S520.pdf.jpg2015The contribution of faculty of physical activity and recreation in the development of sport tourism in AlbaniaPalushi, Roland; Çitozi, Robert; Spahiu, Elton
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S507-S514.pdf.jpg2015Orienteering: spatial navigation strategies and cognitive processesDi Tore, Pio Alfredo; Corona, Felice; Sibilio, Maurizio
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S500-S506.pdf.jpg2015Situation awareness and complexity: the role of wearable technologies in sports scienceDi Tore, Pio Alfredo
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S490-S499.pdf.jpg2015Injury risks of heading in young football playersLukášek, Miloš; Kalichová, Miriam
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S482-S489.pdf.jpg2015Relationship between isokinetic muscle strength and 100 meters finswimming timeKunitson, Vladimir; Port, Kristjan; Pedak, Kirsti
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S471-S481.pdf.jpg2015The effectiveness of weight-reduction stays at the children´s treatment centre of KřetínJuříková, Jana; Prudilová, Jarmila
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S462-S470.pdf.jpg2015Analysis of Body Mass Index (BMI) of 3 to 18-year-old boys in 6 cohortsTóth, Gábor A.; Suskovics, Csilla; Buda, Botond L., et al
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S455-S461.pdf.jpg2015The emotional benefits of the motor activity in developmental ageD'Amico, Vincenza; Damiani, Paola; Gomez-Paloma, Filippo
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S447-S454.pdf.jpg2015Physical activities and special educational needsRio, Laura; Damiani, Paola; Gomez-Paloma, Filippo
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S437-S446.pdf.jpg2015Dynamic stretching versus static stretching in gymnastic performanceD'Anna, Cristiana; Gomez-Paloma, Filippo
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S430-S436.pdf.jpg2015Differences skills praxic in developmental ageDi Iorio, Debora; Gomez-Paloma, Filippo
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S425-S429.pdf.jpg2015Competitive sport and self-concept in adolescentD'Anna, Cristiana; Rio, Laura; Gomez-Paloma, Filippo
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S418-S424.pdf.jpg2015The adapted physical activity as a valuable tool to overcome social prejudice to the disabled personsSavino, Laura; Rio, Laura; Gomez-Paloma, Filippo
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S410-S417.pdf.jpg2015Heart rate response to game load of U19 female basketball playersVencúrik, Tomáš; Nykodým, Jiří; Struhár, Ivan
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S404-S409.pdf.jpg2015The evaluation of the differences in energy expenditure of adults walkingKourilova, Pavla; Kalina, Tomáš; Bernacikova, Martina
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S399-S403.pdf.jpg2015The running economy difference between running barefoot and running shodKalina, Tomáš; Cacek, Jan; Kmetova, Linda
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S391-S398.pdf.jpg2015Training and health in gymnasticsCoppola, Silvia; Vastola, Rodolfo; Scatigna, Maria, et al
Open accessjhse_Vol_10_N_proc1_S385-S390.pdf.jpg2015Postural control in young soccer players: differences between the cognitive approach and ecological-dynamic oneRaiola, Gaetano; Lipoma, Mario; Tafuri, Domenico
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 48