Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2015 - 9th INSHS International Christmas Sport Scientific Conference, 4-6 December 2014
Vol 10, No 1Proc (2015): Special Issue: 9th INSHS International Christmas Sport Scientific Conference, 4-6 December 2014. International Network of Sport and Health Science. Szombathely, Hungary
Table of Contents
Body segments cooperation during forehand stroke production in young and adult tennis players — Zuša, Anna; Lanka, Jānis; Vagin, Andrei; Cicchella, Antonio
Physical and physiological characteristics of baseball trained adolescents — Aydin, Gülsün; Atabek, Hayriye Çakir; Yilmaz, İlker
Optimization of a jump shot rhythm at the junior level of basketball performance — Bazanov, Boris; Rannama, Indrek; Sirel, Kersti
Swimming as a part of early childhood education in Czech Republic — Stloukalová, Brigita; Roztoči, Tomáš
Skin temperature changes of muscle regions in training swimmers — Rybářová, Silvie; Novotný, Jan
Effect of dancing on subjective experiences and psychological state of dancers — Hrusova, Dagmar
Critical moments in freestyle BMX/MTB and their impact on prestart conditions — Siriški, Damjan; Pacholík, Viktor; Hřebíčková, Sylva; Mach, Jan
Adaptative displays of body constitution in gravity cyclists — Siriški, Damjan; Novotný, Jan
Heart rate response to a climber’s fall in sport climbing — Chaloupsky, David
The social self-efficacy of students: a research school of Physical Education and sports at Anadolu University — Solmaz, Dilek Yaliz
Learner-centred teaching methods in PE. Processing athletics teaching material in project method — Ekler, Judit H.
Sprint cycling performance and asymmetry — Rannama, Indrek; Port, Kristjan; Bazanov, Boris; Pedak, Kirsti
The level of general physical performance and physical development of 7 and 10-year-old boys and girls — Čillík, Ivan; Kollár, Rastislav; Kremnický, Juraj; Pivovarniček, Pavol; Mandzáková, Martina
Longitudinal monitoring of performance in cross-country running by young orienteering runners — Ruzicka, Ivan
The role of spiral stabilization exercise on the level of postural stabilty — Struhár, Ivan; Kapounková, Kateřina; Vencúrik, Tomáš
Changes in mean swimming speed and efficiency in the front crawl at 2x25m track — Štastný, Jan; Motyčka, Jaroslav
Monitoring of hemodynamic changes depending on the physical load - case study — Milova, Jana
The dependence of the number of shots and rebounds on the change of rules in the top Czech Basketball Men League: A pilot study — Hrusa, Petr
Comparison of isometric strength men´s upper limbs from the Czech Republic with a group of athletes from different sectors — Vilím, Martin; Juránková, Michaela; Janíčková, Petra
Effects of high-intensity strength interval training program on body composition — Juránková, Michaela; Bílý, Jiří; Hrazdíra, Eduard
Hermeneutics of (sport) heroism — Štaud, Ondřej; Oborný, Josef
Analysis of teamwork in officiating in basketball — Smid, Pavel
Analysis of erring in selected orienteering runners — Chaloupska, Pavlina
Physical activities of boys and girls at primary schools in Central Slovakia — Adamcak, Stefan; Bartik, Pavol; Cipov, Boris; Michal, Jiri
The isometric strength comparison of the upper limbs of women from the Czech Republic with a group of sportswomen from various branches — Juránková, Michaela; Vilím, Martin; Janíčková, Petra
Basketball feint and non-verbal communication: empirical framework — Raiola, Gaetano
Sport skills and mental health — Raiola, Gaetano
Teaching method of physical education and sports by prescriptive or heuristic learning — Raiola, Gaetano; Tafuri, Domenico
Postural control in young soccer players: differences between the cognitive approach and ecological-dynamic one — Raiola, Gaetano; Lipoma, Mario; Tafuri, Domenico
Training and health in gymnastics — Coppola, Silvia; Vastola, Rodolfo; Scatigna, Maria; Fabiani, Leila
The running economy difference between running barefoot and running shod — Kalina, Tomas; Cacek, Jan; Kmetova, Linda
The evaluation of the differences in energy expenditure of adults walking — Kourilova, Pavla; Kalina, Tomas; Bernacikova, Martina
Heart rate response to game load of U19 female basketball players — Vencúrik, Tomáš; Nykodým, Jiří; Struhár, Ivan
The adapted physical activity as a valuable tool to overcome social prejudice to the disabled persons — Savino, Laura; Rio, Laura; Gomez Paloma, Filippo
Competitive sport and self-concept in adolescent — D’Anna, Cristiana; Rio, Laura; Gomez Paloma, Filippo
Differences skills praxic in developmental age — Di Iorio, Debora; Gomez Paloma, Filippo
Dynamic stretching versus static stretching in gymnastic performance — D’Anna, Cristiana; Gomez Paloma, Filippo
Physical activities and special educational needs — Rio, Laura; Damiani, Paola; Gomez Paloma, Filippo
The emotional benefits of the motor activity in developmental age — D’Amico, Vincenza; Damiani, Paola; Gomez Paloma, Filippo
Analysis of Body Mass Index (BMI) of 3 to 18-year-old boys in 6 cohorts — Tóth, Gábor A.; Suskovics, Csilla; Buda, Botond L.; Cornélissen, Germaine
The effectiveness of weight-reduction stays at the children´s treatment centre of Křetín — Juříková, Jana; Prudilová, Jarmila
Relationship between isokinetic muscle strength and 100 meters finswimming time — Kunitson, Vladimir; Port, Kristjan; Pedak, Kirsti
Injury risks of heading in young football players — Lukášek, Miloš; Kalichová, Miriam
Situation awareness and complexity: the role of wearable technologies in sports science — Di Tore, Pio Alfredo
Orienteering: spatial navigation strategies and cognitive processes — Di Tore, Pio Alfredo; Corona, Felice; Sibilio, Maurizio
The contribution of faculty of physical activity and recreation in the development of sport tourism in Albania — Palushi, Roland; Çitozi, Robert; Spahiu, Elton
Soccer players training load during Estonian Premium League matches: comparison of high and low ranking teams — Misjuk, Mikola; Hurt, Norbert; Rannam, Indrek
A field research: evaluation of efficiency of P.E. lessons — Stloukalová, Brigita; Roztočil, Tomáš; Fialová, Dana; Chlup, Zdeněk
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 48
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 48
Recent Submissions
A field research: evaluation of efficiency of P.E. lessons
Orienteering: spatial navigation strategies and cognitive processes
Situation awareness and complexity: the role of wearable technologies in sports science