Access | Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 |  | 2024 | Women in Engineering and Architecture: Evolution in the Number of Students Enrolled and Actions to Promote Vocations in the University of Alicante | Gómez-Rico, María Francisca; Gimeno, Encarnación; Font, Alicia, et al |
 |  | 2024 | Engineers of the Future: Strategy to Cultivate Female Talent that Opens Paths in STEM | Font, Alicia; Rizo-Maestre, Carlos; Sempere-Tortosa, Mireia, et al |
 |  | Sep-2022 | Agrupación de ranuras alimentadas por una novedosa guía semi-modo en Gap Waveguide | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Pérez-Guimerá, Alejandro; Herranz-Herruzo, Jose Ignacio, et al |
 |  | 2005 | Entorno de red virtual para la realización de prácticas realistas de Administración de Sistemas Operativos y Redes de Computadores | Gil Martínez-Abarca, Juan Antonio; Albaladejo Blázquez, Adolfo; Maciá Pérez, Francisco, et al |
 |  | Jun-2022 | 1x4 Antenna Array corporately fed by a Novel Half-Mode Groove Gap Waveguide network | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel |
 |  | Apr-2022 | A Gap Waveguide-Based 2x2 Circularly-polarized Monopulse Antenna Array | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel |
 |  | Sep-2021 | Guía semi-modo en tecnología Gap Waveguide para prototipado rápido de dispositivos | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Valero-Nogueira, Alejandro; Herranz-Herruzo, Jose Ignacio, et al |
 |  | Sep-2019 | Antena plana con polarización circular para comunicaciones por satélite en banda Ka: desafíos y resultados | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Herranz-Herruzo, Jose Ignacio; Valero-Nogueira, Alejandro, et al |
 |  | Sep-2019 | Filtro-divisor a 30 GHz en tecnología Gap Waveguide | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Baquero-Escudero, Mariano; Sánchez-Escuderos, Daniel |
 |  | Sep-2020 | Guía de onda ranurada con polarización circular conmutable en banda Ka y usando tecnología Gap Waveguide | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Herranz-Herruzo, Jose Ignacio; Valero-Nogueira, Alejandro, et al |
 |  | 14-Jan-2021 | Cover-Ended Resonators to Increase Corona Discharge Thresholds in Microstrip Bandpass Filters | Morales-Hernández, Aitor; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Marini, Stephan, et al |
 |  | Sep-2021 | A Ka-band Compact Single-Layer Gap Waveguide Monopulse Slot Array Antenna | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Mayor, Bryan; Marini, Stephan, et al |
 |  | Mar-2021 | Design Strategy and Considerations to Improve Corona Discharge Breakdown in Groove Gap Waveguides | Morales-Hernández, Aitor; Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel, et al |
 |  | Mar-2021 | Wideband Coffee-Bean Shaped Radiating Element for Circularly-Polarized Waveguide Slot Arrays | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Herranz-Herruzo, Jose Ignacio; Valero-Nogueira, Alejandro |
 |  | 2020 | Methodology based on collaborative problem solving implemented in a high academic achievement group | Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Marini, Stephan; Galiana-Merino, Juan José, et al |
 |  | 22-Nov-2018 | Signal-Interference-Based Structure with Negative Group Delay Properties | Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Durá, Javier; Sirci, Stefano, et al |
 |  | 30-Oct-2018 | Rigorous Multimode Equivalent Network Representation of Multilayer Planar Circuits | Gómez, Celia; Quesada Pereira, Fernando; Álvarez Melcón, Alejandro, et al |
 |  | 30-Oct-2018 | Study on Multipactor Breakdown in Coaxial to Microstrip Transitions | Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Marini, Stephan; Vague, Joaquin, et al |
 |  | Sep-2017 | Design of a Narrow-Band Filter Based on the Brewster phenomenon for microwave applications | Coves Soler, Ángela María; Marini, Stephan; Gimeno Martínez, Benito, et al |
 |  | 2016 | Detección automática de ciberbullying a través del procesamiento digital de imágenes | Pujol, Francisco A.; Jimeno-Morenilla, Antonio; Pertegal-Felices, María Luisa, et al |