Do first-year university students understand the language of mathematics?

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Title: Do first-year university students understand the language of mathematics?
Authors: Sastre Vázquez, Patricia | D'Andrea, Rodolfo | Villacampa, Yolanda | Navarro-González, Francisco J.
Research Group/s: Modelización Matemática de Sistemas
Center, Department or Service: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
Keywords: The language of mathematics | Register | Difficulties | Symbol
Knowledge Area: Matemática Aplicada
Issue Date: 21-Oct-2013
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2013, 93: 1658-1662. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.097
Abstract: The aim of the project is to determine if the understanding of the language of Mathematics of students starting university is propitious to the development of an appropriate cognitive structure. The objective of this current work was to analyse the ability of first-year university students to translate the registers of verbal or written expressions and their representations to the registers of algebraic language. Results indicate that students do not understand the basic elements of the language of Mathematics and this causes them to make numerous errors of construction and interpretation. The students were not able to associate concepts with definitions and were unable to offer examples.
ISSN: 1877-0428
DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.097
Language: eng
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Rights: Copyright © 2013 The Authors
Peer Review: si
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Appears in Collections:INV - MMS - Artículos de Revistas

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