INV - Recursos Hídricos y Desarrollo Sostenible - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 383
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessFerre_etal_2025_Water.pdf.jpg14-Jan-2025Advanced Oxidation Processes and Adsorption Technologies for the Removal of Organic Azo Compounds: UV, H2O2, and GACFerre Martínez, Marta; Moya-Llamas, María-José; Domínguez, Elizabeta, et al
Open accessMontano_2024_Water.pdf.jpg18-Nov-2024Historical Analysis of Resilience in Spanish Desalination Companies: Period 1980–2024Montaño, Borja
Open accessNavarro-Arcas_etal_2024_EducSci.pdf.jpg28-Nov-2024Educational Impacts on Robotic Engineering Students of an International Online Project-Based Learning CourseNavarro-Arcas, Abel; Llorca-Schenk, Juan; Jara, Carlos A., et al
Open accessJarre-Vera_etal_2024_ResultsEng.pdf.jpg14-Nov-2024Structured design of a hydrochar-supported LDH/MOF composite for improved photocatalytic applicationsJarre-Vera, Gilberto Rafael; Rivadeneira-Mendoza, Bryan Fernando; Fernández-Andrade, Kevin Jhon, et al
Open accessJodar-Abellan_etal_2024_AgricultWaterManag.pdf.jpg8-Oct-2024Exploring expert perceptions towards emerging pollutants and their impacts in reused wastewater and agricultureJódar-Abellán, Antonio; Albaladejo-García, José Antonio; Aznar-Crespo, Pablo, et al
Open accessBlanco-Murillo_etal_2024_SciTotEnv.pdf.jpg15-Oct-2024The evolutive role of shoot apical meristems in the adaptation of angiosperms to life at sea and the jump to potential environmental biotechnology applicationsBlanco Murillo, Fabio; Marín-Guirao, Lázaro; Rodríguez-Rojas, Fernanda, et al
Open accessSola_etal_2024_MarPollutBull.pdf.jpg5-Sep-2024Assessment of brine discharges dispersion for sustainable management of SWRO plants on the South American Pacific coastSola Macia, Iván; Carratalá, Adoración; Pereira-Rojas, Jeniffer, et al
Open accessSaquete_etal_2024_Water.pdf.jpg22-Jul-2024Modelling the Fate of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Agricultural Soil Columns during Inflow of Surfactant Pulses from Domestic WastewatersSaquete Ferrándiz, María Dolores; Boluda Botella, Nuria; Cases López, Vicente, et al
Open accessGarcia_Melgarejo_2024_RevDireitoPublico.pdf.jpg31-Jul-2024O Combate às Desigualdades Sociais para o Alcance de uma Cidade SustentávelGarcia, Denise Schmitt Siqueira; Melgarejo, Joaquín
Open accessPereira_etal_2024_FrontMarSci.pdf.jpg29-Jul-2024A novel tool for modeling the near- and far-field dispersion of brine effluent from desalination plantsPereira, Silvano Porto; Rodrigues, Melissa; Rosman, Paulo Cesar Colonna, et al
Open accessMorales-Paredes_etal_2024_CaseStudChemEnvironEng.pdf.jpg14-Jul-2024Effect of electromagnetic treatment combined with chlorination on water quality in sea lion recreational poolsMorales-Paredes, Carlos Augusto; Díaz-Regañón, Francisco; Boluda Botella, Nuria, et al
Open accessZaragoza-Marti_2024_IntJSocSustainabEconSocCultContext.pdf.jpg22-Mar-2024The Green Corridor of the Orchard of Orihuela: A Qualitative Analysis of the Territorial Action PlanZaragoza Martí, María Francisca
Restricted accessSanchez-Sanchez_2024_QuincenaFiscal.pdf.jpgMay-2024El cambio de tributación de normativa foral a normativa común: efectos en el régimen especial de consolidación fiscal del Impuesto sobre SociedadesSánchez Sánchez, Ángel
Open accessBoluda-Botella_etal_2024_Water.pdf.jpg29-May-2024Analysis of Calcium Carbonate Scales in Water Distribution Systems and Influence of the Electromagnetic TreatmentBoluda Botella, Nuria; Saquete Ferrándiz, María Dolores; Martínez Moya, Sergio, et al
Open accessSola_etal_2024_FrontMarSci.pdf.jpg3-Jun-2024Multi-criteria analysis for sustainable and cost-effective development of desalination plants in ChileSola Macia, Iván; Zarzo Martínez, Domingo; Sánchez-Lizaso, José Luis, et al
EmbargoedPerez-Hernandez_etal_2024_Desalination_final.pdf.jpg6-Apr-2024The halotolerant white sea anemone Anthothoe chilensis, highly abundant in brine discharges zones, as a promising biomonitoring species for evaluating the impacts of desalination plantsPérez-Hernández, Gabriela; Morales, Daniela; Pereira-Rojas, Jeniffer, et al
Open accessSanchez-Sanchez_2024_Intertax.pdf.jpg2024The Double Layer Test versus the VAT Neutrality PrincipleSánchez Sánchez, Ángel
Open accessBlanco-Murillo_etal_2024_Desalination_preprint.pdf.jpg29-Jan-2024Metabolic responses to desalination brine discharges in field-transplanted Posidonia oceanica: Advances for the development of specific early warning biomarkersBlanco Murillo, Fabio; Marín-Guirao, Lázaro; Sola Macia, Iván, et al
Open accessSostenibilidad_06_06.pdf.jpg2024La necesidad de combatir las desigualdades para lograr una ciudad sostenibleGarcia, Denise Schmitt Siqueira; Melgarejo, Joaquín
Open accessTobarra_etal_2024_AtmospherEnviron.pdf.jpg10-Dec-2023Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown to a port-city area: A two-year comparative PMF analysis of PM10 of polluting sourcesTobarra, Daniel; Yubero Funes, Eduardo; Clemente, Álvaro, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 383