Analysis of the geometry of a holographic memory setup

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Title: Analysis of the geometry of a holographic memory setup
Authors: Márquez, Andrés | Fernandez-Varo, Helena | Martínez Guardiola, Francisco Javier | Gallego, Sergi | Ortuño, Manuel | Beléndez, Augusto | Pascual, Inmaculada
Research Group/s: Holografía y Procesado Óptico
Center, Department or Service: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Física, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Teoría de la Señal | Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Óptica, Farmacología y Anatomía | Universidad de Alicante. Instituto Universitario de Física Aplicada a las Ciencias y las Tecnologías
Keywords: Holographic data storage | Imaging system | Optical processing | Fourier optics | Liquid crystal display | Holography
Knowledge Area: Óptica | Física Aplicada
Date Created: Feb-2012
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: SPIE, The International Society for Optics and Photonics
Citation: MÁRQUEZ RUIZ, Andrés, et al. "Analysis of the geometry of a holographic memory setup". En: Optical Modelling and Design II / edited by Frank Wyrowski, John T. Sheridan, Jani Tervo, Youri Meuret. Bellingham, Wash. : SPIE, 2012. (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol. 8429). ISBN 978-0-81949-121-3, pp. 84291Y-1/10
Abstract: Typically 4-f systems are considered as the basis for holographic memory setups. However, other geometries, such as the convergent correlator, may also be considered. This is a setup widely used in optical processing architectures but not so much explored in holographic data storage systems. It provides some benefits when used in optical processing such as flexibility in the adjustment between Fourier filter dimensions and the Fourier transform of the scene. It also allows a wider freedom in the choice of the optical systems (lenses) used in the setup since it is no longer necessary that their focal lengths match, and the total length of the setup may be shortened. In this paper we make use of Fourier optics techniques to analyze the validity and possible benefits of this setup in its application to holographic memories. We consider the recording and the reconstruction steps. Both analytical expressions and simulated results are given.
Sponsor: This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain under projects FIS2011-29803-C02-01 and FIS2011-29803-C02-02 and by the Generalitat Valenciana of Spain under project PROMETEO/2011/021.
ISBN: 978-0-81949-121-3
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.921294
Language: eng
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Rights: Copyright 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. This paper was published in Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8429, and is made available as an electronic reprint with permission of SPIE. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.
Peer Review: si
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