INV - EYCC - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 332
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessGarcia-Sanjuan_etal_2024_FrontPublicHealth.pdf.jpg27-Nov-2024Lived experience of being a grandparent in one region of Spain: a qualitative studyGarcia-Sanjuan, Sofia; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel; Cabañero-Martínez, María José, et al
Open accessSolano-Ruiz_etal_2024_NurseEducatTod.pdf.jpg14-Oct-2024Body transformations: An opportunity to work on the ethical perspective through photovoice and bodymappingSolano-Ruiz, MCarmen; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel; Siles González, José, et al
Open accessPerpina-Galvan_etal_2024_BMCMedEduc.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2024Development and validation of assessment instruments for cervical collar and spinal board placement in simulated environments for nursing students in the care of polytrauma patientsPerpiñá-Galvañ, Juana; Montoro-Pérez, Néstor; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel, et al
Open accessCarrion-Garcia_etal_2023_Llull.pdf.jpg5-Mar-2024El Hospital Militar de Cartagena durante la insurrección cantonal (1873-1874)Carrión García, Eduardo; Siles González, José; Noreña-Peña, Ana
Open accessGarcia-Sanjuan_etal_2024_Healthcare.pdf.jpg16-May-2024The Perceived Quality of Life of Older People in Spain Who Care for Grandchildren and Related Variables: A Mixed Methods StudyGarcia-Sanjuan, Sofia; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel; Cabañero-Martínez, María José, et al
Open accessCarrion-Garcia_etal_2024_Temperamentum.pdf.jpg2024El Reglamento de Hospitales Militares y ambulancias del Ejército en la I República, a propósito de la sublevación cantonalCarrión García, Eduardo; Siles González, José; Noreña-Peña, Ana
Open accessGomez-Cantarino_etal_2024_FrontPsychol.pdf.jpg6-May-2024Editorial: Multidisciplinary approach in health: new strategies from the perspective of education, management, culture and genderGomez-Cantarino, Sagrario; Ugarte-Gurrutxaga, M. Idoia; Solano-Ruiz, MCarmen, et al
Open accessCultCuid68_26.pdf.jpg2024Historia de la enfermería. Evolución Histórica del cuidado enfermero 4a Edición de María Luisa Martínez Martín y Elena Chamorro RebolloNoreña-Peña, Ana
Open accessCultCuid68_25.pdf.jpg2024Invención de la Espera o Tejiendo expectativas y ausencias mientras pasa el tiempoSiles González, José
Open accessCultCuid68_01.pdf.jpg2024Enfoques extras disciplinarios para aproximar la brecha teoría y práctica: Pierre Bourdieu y la interseccionalidadGutiérrez García, Ana Isabel
Open accessRodriguez-Rodriguez_etal_2024_JPediatricNursing.pdf.jpg13-Mar-2024The perception of healthcare professionals, through their own personal experiences, of the use of music therapy in hospitalised children and adolescentsRodríguez-Rodríguez, Román-Carlos; Noreña-Peña, Ana; Chafer-Bixquert, Teresa, et al
Open accessAndina‐Diaz_etal_2024_PublicHealthNurs.pdf.jpg4-Feb-2024Photovoice: An active learning tool with community nursing studentsAndina Díaz, Elena; Welch, Lindsay; Siles González, José, et al
Open accessCultCuid67_05.pdf.jpg2023Albológica sine die: De vivencias que habitan memorias donde subsiste la figura y la obra de Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez (1957-2023)Siles González, José
Open accessEspina-Jerez_etal_2023_Healthcare.pdf.jpg27-Oct-2023The Art of Childbirth of the Midwives of Al-Andalus: Social Assessment and Legal Implication of Health Assistance in the Cultural Diversity of the 10th–14th CenturiesEspina Jerez, Blanca; Aguiar-Frías, Ana María; Siles González, José, et al
Open accessPerpina-Galvan_etal_2024_NurseEducTod.pdf.jpg24-Oct-2023Learning outcomes and cost-utility analysis of hybrid patient and mannequin-based simulationPerpiñá-Galvañ, Juana; Satorra-Rodríguez, Silvia; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel, et al
Open accessAndina-Diaz_etal_2023_NurseEducPract.pdf.jpg26-Sep-2023Perception of care from the perspective of nursing students: A study using photovoice, storytelling and poetryAndina Díaz, Elena; Siles González, José; Gutiérrez García, Ana Isabel, et al
Open accessCultCuid66_18.pdf.jpg2023Técnicas de Comunicación y Relación de Ayuda en Ciencias de la Salud. Un libro imprescindible para los profesionales de la saludSiles González, José
Restricted accessGutierrez-Garcia_etal_2024_JBiosocSci_final.pdf.jpg5-Jul-2023‘It’s always difficult for women’: an analysis of the life stories of sub-Saharan migrant womenGutiérrez García, Ana Isabel; Jiménez-Ruiz, Ismael; Siles González, José, et al
Open accessEspina-Jerez_etal_2023_FrontPsychol.pdf.jpg10-Jul-2023Women health providers: materials on cures, remedies and sexuality in inquisitorial processes (15th–18th century)Espina Jerez, Blanca; Siles González, José; Solano-Ruiz, MCarmen, et al
Open accessRodriguez-Rodriguez_etal_2023_EuroJCancerCare.pdf.jpg22-May-2023The Value of Music Therapy in the Expression of Emotions in Children with CancerRodríguez-Rodríguez, Román-Carlos; Noreña-Peña, Ana; Chafer-Bixquert, Teresa, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 332