RUA Research is the institutional website of the University of Alicante which gives access to documents generated by teachers and researchers from the University in their research. This deposit has the objective to storage, management, preservation and dissemination of these documents, and aims to help to increasing the visibility of the work done by members of the university.
- 822 España
- 816 Spain
- 733 Alicante
- 438 Holography
- 401 Arquitectura
- Subject - next >
Date issued
- 15011 2020 - 2025
- 21602 2010 - 2019
- 6876 2000 - 2009
- 2161 1990 - 1999
- 642 1980 - 1989
- 80 1970 - 1979
- 5 1966 - 1969
Document type
- 28874 Article
- 6606 Book chapter
- 3553 Conference object
- 3445 Doctoral thesis
- 862 Book
- Document type - next >
- 25822 Spanish
- 19047 English
- 1545 Valencian
- 274 French
- 219 Portuguese
- Language - next >