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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 143
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Restricted access25-Jan-2025Underrepresentation of Women in Universities: Seeking Answers in the Bedrooms of Women AcademicsRodríguez-Jaume, María-José; Torres Díaz, María Concepción; Carretón-Ballester, Carmen, et al
Open accessMonserrat-Gauchi_etal_2024_Comunicacio.pdf.jpgNov-2024Scrum como acelerador de innovación educativa: ensayo sobre un prototipo de modelo didáctico para los estudios de comunicaciónMonserrat-Gauchi, Juan; Quiles-Soler, Mari Carmen; Torres-Valdés, Rosa-María
Open accessCarreton-Ballester_etal_2024_Cuadernos_info.pdf.jpg2024Enfoque de las primeras comunicaciones gubernamentales sobre COVID-19 en países de EvapropCarretón-Ballester, Carmen; Fernández Souto, Ana Belén; Almansa-Martínez, Ana
Open accessSuria-Martinez_etal_2024_FrontPsychol.pdf.jpg3-Sep-2024Negative impact of online gambling problematic in disabled and non-disabled university students: exploring the risk profileSuriá Martínez, Raquel; García-Castillo, Fernando; Villegas-Castrillo, Esther, et al
Open accessSuria-Martinez_etal_2024_VISUALRev_eng.pdf.jpg29-Jul-2024Preliminary study of the use of online games among university students with and without disabilitiesSuriá Martínez, Raquel; Villegas-Castrillo, Esther; López-Sánchez, Carmen, et al
Open accessSuria-Martinez_etal_2024_RGSA_eng.pdf.jpg10-Jun-2024Comparative Analysis of Abuse in Online Games Between University Students With and Without DisabilitiesSuriá Martínez, Raquel; Villegas-Castrillo, Esther; López-Sánchez, Carmen, et al
Open accessGonzalez-Diaz_etal_2024_FrontCommun.pdf.jpg22-Jul-2024The figure of the influencer under scrutiny: highly exposed, poorly regulatedGonzález-Díaz, Cristina; Quiles-Soler, Mari Carmen; Quintas Froufe, Natalia
Open accessIbanez_Carreton_2024_ReviIntRRPP.pdf.jpg29-Jun-2024Desinformación en salud y su impacto en el desarrollo sostenible (Scopus 2017-2023)Ibáñez-Hernández, Ana Isabel; Carretón-Ballester, Carmen
Open accessSuria-Martinez_etal_2024_EurJInvestigHealthPsycholEduc.pdf.jpg24-Jun-2024Online Games and Cognitive Distortions: A Comparative Analysis in Students with and without DisabilitiesSuriá Martínez, Raquel; García-Castillo, Fernando; López-Sánchez, Carmen, et al
Open accessCapriotti_etal_2024_SageOpen.pdf.jpg16-Jun-2024Exploring Interactivity Strategies in Social Media Communications of Leading Universities: A Cross-Continental StudyCapriotti, Paul; Carretón-Ballester, Carmen; Zeler, Ileana
Open accessMonserrat_Castello_2010_FISEC-Estrategias.pdf.jpg2010La comunicación en la franquicia ante el reto 2.0Monserrat-Gauchi, Juan; Castello-Martinez, Araceli
Open accessCapriotti_etal_2024_Communication&Society.pdf.jpg8-Jan-2024Analysing the influence of Universities’ content strategy on the level of engagement on social mediaCapriotti, Paul; Carretón-Ballester, Carmen; Losada-Díaz, José-Carlos
Open accessMartinez-Sala_etal_2023_ProfInfo_eng.pdf.jpg30-Nov-2023Corporate social responsibility and millennial consumer loyalty: exploring their relationship regarding healthy eating in the fast food sectorMartínez-Sala, Alba-María; Monserrat-Gauchi, Juan; Quiles-Soler, Mari Carmen
Open accessCarreton-Ballester_etal_2023_ProfInfo_eng.pdf.jpg10-Nov-2023Social responsibility of Spanish universities for sustainable relationshipsCarretón-Ballester, Carmen; Quiles-Soler, Mari Carmen; Lorenzo-Sola, Francisco
Open accessMonserrat-Gauchi_etal_2024_Retos.pdf.jpg21-Oct-2023Representación de las mujeres en la publicidad televisiva emitida durante la Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA (Francia 2019). Análisis de roles y estereotiposMonserrat-Gauchi, Juan; Segarra-Saavedra, Jesús; Penalva-Cerdá, Sergio
Open accessMartinez-Sala_etal_2023_Face.pdf.jpg2023Responsabilidad Social Corporativa al servicio de la salud: explorando sobre los intereses de los consumidoresMartínez-Sala, Alba-María; Monserrat-Gauchi, Juan; Quiles-Soler, Mari Carmen
Open accessIbanez-Hernandez_etal_2023_Systems.pdf.jpg16-Jun-2023Pharmaceutical Communication in Spain around the COVID-19 Crisis: A Scoping ReviewIbáñez-Hernández, Ana Isabel; Papí-Gálvez, Natalia; Carretón-Ballester, Carmen
Open accessCastello-Martinez_etal_2023_RLCS.pdf.jpg3-May-2023La comunicación persuasiva y los propósitos sociales de las marcas: realidades y retos en el diseño de estrategias creativasCastello-Martinez, Araceli; Monserrat-Gauchi, Juan; Brigas, Joaquim
Restricted accessCapriotti_etal_2024_JMarketingHighEdu_final.pdf.jpg24-Feb-2023A model for assessing the active presence of institutions on social media: application to universities worldwideCapriotti, Paul; Oliveira, Andrea; Carretón-Ballester, Carmen
Open accessIbanez-Hernandez_etal_2022_Analisi.pdf.jpg31-Jan-2023The scope of crowdfunding in responsible university relationsIbáñez-Hernández, Ana Isabel; Carretón-Ballester, Carmen; Esclapés, Javier, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 143