Psychological Consequences Associated with The Intensity of Drug Use in The Adult Population of Ecuador

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Title: Psychological Consequences Associated with The Intensity of Drug Use in The Adult Population of Ecuador
Authors: Rodríguez Sánchez, Dolores Amparito | García-Castillo, Fernando | López-Sánchez, Carmen
Research Group/s: Comunicación y Públicos Específicos (COMPUBES) | Envejecimiento y Comunicación (AgeCOM)
Center, Department or Service: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Comunicación y Psicología Social
Keywords: Drug Addiction | Depression | Anxiety | Stress | Self-Esteem
Issue Date: 6-Jun-2024
Publisher: International Journal of Religion
Citation: International Journal of Religion. 2024, 5(11): 161-170.
Abstract: Introduction. The use of illegal substances is considered one of the health problems facing the world today, given the condition caused in the population by the damage or consequences of their consumption. Method. The present investigation was carried out an analytical-descriptive cross-sectional study, working with a sample of 480 patients representing 95% of the population, intentionally selected by non-probabilistic sampling. Results. The data obtained make it possible to determine the intensity of drug use and its relationship with anxiety, depression, perceived stress and self-esteem, in a population group of adult consumers; in addition to broadening the vision of the behavioral dynamics of these phenomena. Conclusions. These results can contribute to the epidemiological monitoring of the mental condition of hospitalized patients, as well as contribute to the generation of general and specific intervention proposals for anxiety, depression, stress and self-esteem by regulating drug use.
ISSN: 2633-352X (Print) | 2633-3538 (Online)
DOI: 10.61707/ywgwdy02
Language: eng
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Rights: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Peer Review: si
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Appears in Collections:INV - COMPUBES - Artículos de Revistas
INV - AgeCOM - Artículos de Revistas

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