INV - GOPV - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 398
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessPavan-Michielon_etal_2024_SJOVS.pdf.jpg31-Dec-2024Contact Lens Discomfort (CLD) Treatment with MY MASK Light Modulation LED maskPavan Michielon, Enrico; Gheller, Pletro; Piñero, David P., et al
Restricted accessParedes_etal_2024_JCataractRefractSurg_final.pdf.jpgDec-2024Characterization of vault with two models of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lensesParedes, Beatriz; Mora, Javier; Martín, M. Dolores, et al
Open accessLeal-Vega_etal_2024_SciRep.pdf.jpg14-Nov-2024NEIVATECH pilot study: immersive virtual reality training in older amblyopic children with non-compliance or non-response to patchingLeal-Vega, Luis; Coco-Martin, María Begoña; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Open accessLeon-Ibanez_Pinero_2024_EuroJOphthalmology_final.pdf.jpg3-Nov-2024Analysis of the visual function with the continuous transitional focus intraocular lens Precizon PresbyopicLeón-Ibáñez, Luis; Piñero, David P.
Restricted accessPinero_etal_2024_ClinExperimOptometry_final.pdf.jpg16-Jul-2024Professional perspective of vision therapy worldwide among optometrists and ophthalmologistsPiñero, David P.; Barberán-Bernardos, Laura; Martínez-Plaza, Elena, et al
Open accessdel-Rosario-Gilabert_etal_2024_ApplSci.pdf.jpg15-Oct-2024Exploring the Effects of Gratitude Voice Waves on Cellular Behavior: A Pilot Study in Affective MechanotransductionRosario Gilabert, David del; Carbajo, Jesús; Valenzuela-Miralles, Antonio, et al
Restricted accessCarreras_etal_2024_JRefractSurgery_final.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2024Clinical Performance of an Extended Range of Vision Intraocular Lens After LASIKCarreras, Humberto; Reñones, Josefina; Carreras, María del Rosario, et al
Open accessMartinez-Plaza_etal_2024_Diagnostics.pdf.jpg12-Oct-2024Diagnostic Performance of Visionix VX120+ Platform for Dry Eye ScreeningMartínez-Plaza, Elena; Barberán-Bernardos, Laura; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Open accessdel-Rosario_etal_2024_Buildings.pdf.jpg2-Oct-2024Eco-Friendly and Biocompatible Material to Reduce Noise Pollution and Improve Acoustic Comfort in Healthcare EnvironmentsRosario Gilabert, David del; Carbajo, Jesús; Hernández-Pozo, Miguel, et al
Open accessMartinez‐Plaza_etal_2025_OphthalmicPhysiolOpt.pdf.jpg3-Oct-2024Axial length association with corneoscleral sagittal height and scleral asymmetryMartínez-Plaza, Elena; López-de la Rosa, Alberto; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Open accessBarberan-Bernardos_etal_2024_IntJOphthalmol.pdf.jpg18-Sep-2024Corneal and intraocular pressure changes associated to the circadian rhythms: a narrative reviewBarberán-Bernardos, Laura; Ariza-Gracia, Miguel Á.; Piñero, David P.
EmbargoedGinel_etal_2024_JCataractRefractSurgery_accepted.pdf.jpg12-Jun-2024Cost-effectiveness of low-astigmatism correction with toric or spherical intraocular lenses combined with corneal incisions: an economic evaluationGinel, José; Rodríguez-Vallejo, Manuel; Piñero, David P., et al
Open accessMiret_etal_2024_GraefesArchClinExpOphthalmol.pdf.jpg17-Sep-2024Analysis of the optical performance of intraocular lenses using profilometric measurementsMiret, Juan Jose; Camps, Vicente J.; García Llopis, Celia, et al
Restricted accessSanchez-Garcia_etal_2024_EyeContactLens_final.pdf.jpgSep-2024Analysis of Treatment Discontinuation in Orthokeratology: Studying Efficacy, Safety, and Patient Adherence Over Six MonthsSánchez-García, Alicia; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Ariza-Gracia, Miguel Á., et al
Restricted accessGomez-Patino_etal_2024_SeminOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpg20-Jun-2024Impact of Immersive Virtual Reality on the Binocular and Accommodative Function: A Systematic Review About Literature and Its Current LimitationsGómez Patiño, Andrea; Piñero, David P.; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa
Restricted accessOrbegozo_etal_2024_JCataractRefractSurg_final.pdf.jpgJul-2024Clinical outcomes of a toric continuous range of vision presbyopia-correcting intraocular lensOrbegozo, Javier; Pérez, Angelica; Basterra, Iñaki, et al
Open accessGomez-Vicente_etal_2024_LangSpeech_final.pdf.jpg27-Aug-2024Importance of Visual Support Through Lipreading in the Identification of Words in Spanish LanguageGómez-Vicente, Violeta; Esquiva, Gema; Lancho, Carmen, et al
Open accessBedran-Garcia_Pinero_2024_IntEyeSci.pdf.jpg16-Aug-2024Evaluation of corneal parameter changes under different accommodative stimuli with Scheimpflug imaging-based tomographyBedrán-García, Farid J.; Piñero, David P.
Open accessPinero_etal_2024_Children.pdf.jpg17-Aug-2024Visual Performance of Children with Amblyopia after 6 Weeks of Home-Based Dichoptic Visual TrainingPiñero, David P.; Gil-Casas, Amparo; Hurtado-Ceña, Francisco Javier, et al
Restricted accessRibeiro_etal_2024_JCataractRefractSurgery_final.pdf.jpgAug-2024Should enhanced monofocal intraocular lenses be the standard of care? An evidence-based appraisal by the ESCRS Functional Vision Working GroupRibeiro, Filomena; Piñero, David P.; Dick, H. Burkhard, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 398