Journal of Physical Agents - 2010, Vol. 4, No. 1

JoPha 4-1

Special Session on Workshop of Physical Agents 2009

The Workshop of Physical Agents intends to be a forum for information and experience exchange in different areas regarding the concept of agent on physical environments, especially applied to the control and coordination of autonomous systems: robots, mobile robots, industrial processes or complex systems. This special issue is devoted to the selected papers presented at the WAF’09 that took place from September 10th to 11th in the city of Cáceres (SPAIN).

Table of Contents

X Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF'2009) — Bustos García de Castro, Pablo; Bachiller Burgos, Pilar

Multi-cue visual obstacle detection for mobile robots — Manso Fernández-Arguelles, Luis Jesús; Bustos García de Castro, Pablo; Bachiller Burgos, Pilar; Moreno del Pozo, José

Recognition of standard platform RoboCup goals — Cañas Plaza, José María; Perdices García, Eduardo; González Sánchez, Tomás; Puig Valls, Domenec

Large scale egomotion and error analysis with visual features — Cazorla Quevedo, Miguel Ángel; Viejo Hernando, Diego; Hernández Gutiérrez, Andrés; Nieto, Juan; Nebot, Eduardo

Mission specification in underwater robotics — Fernández Perdomo, Enrique; Cabrera Gámez, Jorge; Domínguez Brito, Antonio Carlos; Hernández Sosa, Daniel

Balanced multi-robot exploration through a global optimization strategy — Wu, Ling; Puig Valls, Domenec; García García, Miguel Ángel

Affine image region detection and description — Vázquez Martín, Ricardo; Marfil Robles, Rebeca; Bandera Rubio, Antonio

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