INV - ECPCA - Artículos de Revistas

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 162
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessGarcia‐Lozano_etal_2025_GlobChangeBiol.pdf.jpg17-Jan-2025Management Measures and Trends of Biological Invasions in Europe: A Survey-Based Assessment of Local ManagersGarcía-Lozano, Carla; Pueyo-Ros, Josep; Canelles, Quim, et al
Open accessPerez-Granados_etal_2025_SustainSci.pdf.jpg24-Jan-2025Key conservation actions for European steppes in the context of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity FrameworkPérez-Granados, Cristian; Benítez-López, Ana; Díaz, Mario, et al
Open accessRuiz‐Villar_etal_2025_People-and-Nature.pdf.jpg17-Jan-2025Behind the lenses: Biases in the contribution of wildlife photography to biodiversity representationRuiz-Villar, Héctor; Morales-González, Ana; Morant, Jon
Open accessRedondo-Gomez_etal_2025_BasicApplEcol.pdf.jpg26-Dec-2024The extended role of carrion: Insect consumption and hair taking at fox carcassesRedondo-Gómez, Daniel; Gil-Sánchez, José María; Gonzálvez, Moisés, et al
Open accessSemaha_etal_2025_EurJWildlRes.pdf.jpg11-Jan-2025Captive-introduced tortoises in wild populations: can we identify them by shell morphology?Semaha, Mohamed Jaouhar; Rodríguez-Caro, Roberto C.; Giménez, Andrés, et al
Restricted accessMorant_etal_2025_JEnvironManag_final.pdf.jpg30-Dec-2024Potential feeding sites for seabirds and marine mammals reveal large overlap with offshore wind energy development worldwideMorant, Jon; Payo-Payo, Ana; María-Valera, Ana, et al
Open accessZurdo_etal_2024_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg11-Dec-2024Spatio-temporal variation of the endangered Dupont’s Lark diet across Iberia and MoroccoZurdo, Julia; Bustillo-de la Rosa, Daniel; Barrero, Adrián, et al
Open accessLavner_Perez-Granados_2024_FrontBirdSci.pdf.jpg23-Dec-2024Editorial: Computational bioacoustics and automated recognition of bird vocalizations: new tools, applications and methods for bird monitoringLavner, Yizhar; Pérez-Granados, Cristian
Open accessOrihuela-Torres_etal_2025_BiolConservat.pdf.jpg18-Dec-2024Vertebrate scavenger assemblages and their functioning differ between artificial and natural wetlands: Implications for ecosystem managementOrihuela-Torres, Adrian; Pérez-García, Juan M.; Arrondo, Eneko, et al
Open accessBermudez-Cavero_etal_2024_Birds.pdf.jpg24-Nov-2024Breeding season habitat selection of the Eurasian collared dove in a dry Mediterranean landscapeBermúdez-Cavero, Alan Omar; Bernat-Ponce, Edgar; Gil-Delgado Alberti, José Antonio, et al
Restricted accessGarcia_etal_2024_BiodiversConserv_final.pdf.jpg30-Sep-2024Year-round differences in the use of roosting sites in an endangered vulture reveal gaps in protected areas coverageGarcía, Javier; Salinas, Pablo; García, Pablo, et al
Open accessPessano-Serrat_etal_2024_FoodWebs.pdf.jpg21-Sep-2024Unknown scavenging habits of an elusive tropical Andean mammalPessano-Serrat, Tatiana; Sebastián-González, Esther; Castel-Tapia, Marek, et al
Open accessAmoros-Ausina_etal_2024_Sensors.pdf.jpg5-Sep-2024Living Together, Singing Together: Revealing Similar Patterns of Vocal Activity in Two Tropical Songbirds Applying BirdNETAmorós-Ausina, David; Schuchmann, Karl-L.; Marques, Marinez I., et al
Open accessLopez-Del-Castillo_etal_2024_Hidrobiologica.pdf.jpg16-Jul-2024Checklist and Abundance with New Records of Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) to Sierra Maestra Mountain Range, CubaLópez Del Castillo, Pedro; Gómez Luna, Liliana María; Peters, Janice G., et al
Open accessMira-Jover_etal_2024_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg9-Aug-2024Taking advantage of reference-guided assembly in a slowly-evolving lineage: Application to Testudo graecaMira-Jover, Andrea; Graciá, Eva; Giménez, Andrés, et al
Open accessRodriguez-Caro_etal_2024_BiologicalConservation.pdf.jpg19-Aug-2024The importance of locally sourced data in identifying population trends: Insights from Iberian vertebratesRodríguez-Caro, Roberto C.; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Aguión, Alba, et al
Open accessBernat-Ponce_etal_2024_UrbanSci.pdf.jpg9-Aug-2024House Sparrow Nesting Site Selection in Urban Environments: A Multivariate Approach in Mediterranean SpainBernat-Ponce, Edgar; Gil-Delgado Alberti, José Antonio; López Iborra, Germán M.
Open accessMolina-Bernabeu_Lopez-Iborra_2024_Animals.pdf.jpg6-Aug-2024Density and Home Range of Cats in a Small Inhabited Mediterranean IslandMolina Bernabeu, Sara; López Iborra, Germán M.
Open accessWiniarska_etal_2024_AfricJEcol_final.pdf.jpg10-Jun-2024Passive acoustic monitoring of endangered endemic Afromontane tropical species: A case study with two turacosWiniarska, Dominika; Pérez-Granados, Cristian; Budka, Michał, et al
Open accessGallo-Viracocha_etal_2024_ActaZoolLilloana.pdf.jpg10-Jun-2024Biodiversidad y variación altitudinal de los escarabajos estercoleros (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) en la cuenca del Oglán Alto, Amazonia ecuatorianaGallo-Viracocha, Freddy; Chamorro, William R.; Enríquez, Sandra, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 162