Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2023, Vol. 18, No. 1

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessJHSE_18-1_20.pdf.jpg2023Effects of the hydrolyzed collagen supplement Colnatur Sport® on endurance training and performance of runnersElvira-Aranda, Carlos; De Castellar-Sansó, Roser; Gomis-Gomis, María José, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_19.pdf.jpg2023Improving footballers agility performances outcomes with the smart ladder drill prototype inventory for exercising efficiencySungpook, Natchanon; Singchainara, Juthamas; Soachalem, Achara, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_18.pdf.jpg2023Changes in vertical jump performance and body composition before and after COVID-19 lockdownTan, Erik; Montalvo, Samuel; Gonzalez, Matthew P., et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_17.pdf.jpg2023The effects of a moderate-to-high intensity interval exercise training programme on selective and sustained attention in schoolchildren aged 11 and 12Gelabert, Jaume; De la Vega, Ricardo; Palou, Pere, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_16.pdf.jpg2023Neuromotricity as a new paradigmRomero Naranjo, Francisco Javier; Andreu, Eliseo
Open accessJHSE_18-1_15.pdf.jpg2023A review of the level of good governance in international sport federationsCabello-Manrique, David; Puga-González, Esther
Open accessJHSE_18-1_14.pdf.jpg2023Reliability and feasibility of an evaluation tool of teacher effectiveness and the quality of physical education sessionsGalmes-Panades, Aina Maria; Palou, Pere; Borràs, Pere Antoni, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_13.pdf.jpg2023Motivation and satisfaction in university sports volunteeringAngosto Sánchez, Salvador; Díaz-Suárez, Arturo; López-Gullón, José María
Open accessJHSE_18-1_12.pdf.jpg2023The influence of analogies on the development of selective attention in novices in normal or stressful conditionsLola, Afroditi; Giatsis, George; Pérez Turpin, José Antonio, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_11.pdf.jpg2023Is positive self-perception a determinant of cardiovascular performance? A didactic and sustainable view in female university studentsBaena-Morales, Salvador; Morente-Oria, Honorato; García-Taibo, Olalla, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_10.pdf.jpg2023The effect of the United Nations resolution for Olympic Truce on peace based on functionalismPark, Kwangho; Koo, Gi Yong; Kim, Minkil
Open accessJHSE_18-1_09.pdf.jpg2023Effects of age vestibular and visual systems on the soleus H-reflexCelik, Aksel; Rojas Ruiz, Francisco Javier; Cepero González, Mar, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_08.pdf.jpg2023Effect of exercise in the recovery process after the inflammation process caused by coronavirusCórdova Martínez, Alfredo; Pérez-Valdecantos, Daniel; Caballero-García, Alberto, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_07.pdf.jpg2023Perception of the Olympic values in the Portuguese coaches of individual and team sportsRocha, Teresa Cristina; Mateos-Padorno, Covadonga; Fuentes-García, Juan Pedro, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_06.pdf.jpg2023Efficacy of European Sport Tutorship model (ESTPORT) in the dual career of athletes in SpainConde, Elena; Martínez-Aranda, Luis M.; Leiva-Arcas, Alejandro, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_05.pdf.jpg2023Sport practice with friends and perceived physical competence as predictors of physical activity in adolescentsAlvariñas-Villaverde, Myriam; Giménez-de Ory, Elena; Toja-Reboredo, Belén, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_04.pdf.jpg2023CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup: Altitude impact on goals and results in 16 years of soccer matchesCabrera Hernández, Moisés Arturo; García-Corzo, Sergio Andrés; Povea Combariza, Camilo, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_03.pdf.jpg2023Quantification of high speed actions across a competitive microcycle in professional soccerCampos Vázquez, Miguel Ángel; Zubillaga, Asier; Toscano Bendala, Francisco Javier, et al
Open accessJHSE_18-1_02.pdf.jpg2023Scoring first relevance in knockout promotion to Spanish LaLiga SmartbankOlvera-Rojas, Marcos; Femia-Marzo, Pedro; Castillo-Rodríguez, Alfonso
Open accessJHSE_18-1_01.pdf.jpg2023Ventilatory threshold concordance between ergoespirometry and heart rate variability in female professional cyclistsMina-Paz, Yecid; Tafur Tascón, Luis Javier; Cabrera Hernández, Moisés Arturo, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20