Child care nurses and the fight against maternal and child morbidity and mortality. Valencia before the health transition

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Title: Child care nurses and the fight against maternal and child morbidity and mortality. Valencia before the health transition
Authors: Galiana-Sánchez, María Eugenia | Martínez-Zapata, Rocío | Bernabeu-Mestre, Josep
Research Group/s: Grupo Balmis de Investigación en Salud Comunitaria e Historia de la Ciencia
Center, Department or Service: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Enfermería Comunitaria, Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia
Keywords: Child care nurses | Maternal and child morbidity and mortality | Valencia | Health transition
Knowledge Area: Enfermería | Historia de la Ciencia
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Belin
Citation: Annales de démographie historique. 2020, 1: 179-206
Abstract: Public health was a major problem in late 19th century Spain, and maternal and infant morbidity and mortality presented very high rates. At the turn of the century, health care began to undergo a transformation as a series of health policies and initiatives were proposed to end the socially unacceptable blight of maternal and infant mortality. Thus, child protection laws and regulations were enacted, maternity insurance was introduced and professionalisation processes occurred which in the case of nurses and midwives proved fundamental in improving social and health indicators. Here, we report the results of a case study of the city of Valencia and the role played by nurses in institutions such as the infant nursery, the infant milk depot and the school of child care. our analysis indicates the extent to which child care nursing became institutionalised in Spain, in line with the rest of Europe, and the role played by these nurses in tackling many of the causes and factors involved in maternal and infant morbidity and mortality in Spain in general and Valencia in particular.
Sponsor: Research Project: “Past and present in the control of neglected poverty diseases. The historical example of Mediterranean Europe and the International health cooperation” of Ministry of Industry, Economy and competitiveness, hAr2017-82366-c2-2-P.
ISSN: 0066-2062 (Print) | 1776-2774 (Online)
Language: eng
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Rights: © Société de Démographie Historique
Peer Review: si
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INV - BALMIS - Artículos de Revistas

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