Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2022, Vol. 17, No. 3

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessHSE_17-3_10.pdf.jpg2022Four weeks of trauma-informed yoga intervention and autonomic tone in female veteran and non-veteran college studentsSteele, Shannon; Williamson-Reisdorph, Cassie; Dybdal, Laura, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_20.pdf.jpg2022Interlimb asymmetry in collegiate American football players: Effects on combine-related performancePhilipp, Nicolas M.; Garver, Matthew J.; Crawford, Derek A., et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_19.pdf.jpg2022Cardiometabolic and perceptual responses to maximal exercise: Comparing graded walking to runningKilpatrick, Marcus; Schumacher, Balea; Fleming, Abby, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_18.pdf.jpg2022Performance indicators contributing to success at the group and play-off stages of the 2019 Rugby World CupBunker, Rory P.; Spencer, Kirsten
Open accessHSE_17-3_17.pdf.jpg2022Intra-cyclic analysis of the front crawl swimming technique with an inertial measurement unitEngel, André; Schaffert, Nina; Ploigt, Roy, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_16.pdf.jpg2022Exercise participation and subjective well-being of collegiate athletes during COVID-19 PandemicReiner, Susannah Leigh; Smith, Glenn Harrison; Davis, Rick B.
Open accessHSE_17-3_15.pdf.jpg2022Analysis of sex and age differences in performance of young Canadian freestyle swimmersSun, Tianyue Ruby
Open accessHSE_17-3_11.pdf.jpg2022Muscle genomics and aerobic trainingMina-Paz, Yecid; Zambrano, Diana Carolina; Matta, Andrés Jenuer, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_14.pdf.jpg2022Evaluation of ACTN3 R577X and ACE I/D polymorphisms in young Colombian athletes: An exploratory researchOrtiz, Michelle; Ayala, Adis; Petro, Jorge L., et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_13.pdf.jpg2022Motivational differences between athletes at junior and senior level: An analysis of the football, handball, and water polo playersBratko, Denis; Trninić, Viktorija; Trninić, Marko
Open accessHSE_17-3_12.pdf.jpg2022Effects of a 6-week additional work on performance capacity: Hints for a parasympathic overtraining?Gasser, Benedikt Andreas; Vogel, Roger; Wehrlin, Jon
Open accessHSE_17-3_09.pdf.jpg2022Temporo-spatial gait adaptations while walking on different surfaces in Latino-Hispanic adults with controlled type II diabetesRosario, Martin G.; Mbue, Ngozi D.; Jose, Aleena
Open accessHSE_17-3_08.pdf.jpg2022Sex differences in motor performance and anaerobic peak power of Japanese primary school children aged 11 to 12 yearsKuki, Seita; Konishi, Yu; Okudaira, Masamichi, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_07.pdf.jpg2022Implementing the European Sports Leadership Programme: A vehicle to help development graduate workplace competenciesBrunton, Julie A.; Cánovas-Alvarez, Francisco José; Meroño, Lourdes, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_06.pdf.jpg2022Physiological comparison between competitive and beginner high intensity functional training athletesAdami, Paolo Emilio; Rocchi, Jacopo Emanuele; Melke, Negassi, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_05.pdf.jpg2022Soccer in the integration and assimilation processes of Amerindian peoplesAcuña Delgado, Ángel; Acuña Gómez, Guillermo
Open accessHSE_17-3_04.pdf.jpg2022Psychomotor development disorders in apparently healthy children and considerations of family evaluationPrieto, José Antonio; Cueto, Sofía; Carballo-Fazanes, Aida, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_03.pdf.jpg2022Disruptive behaviours in Physical Education classes: A descriptive research in compulsory educationNavarro-Patón, Rubén; Mecías-Calvo, Marcos; Gili-Roig, Catalina, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_02.pdf.jpg2022Sleep, physical activity and screens in 0-4 years Spanish children during the COVID-19 pandemic: Were the WHO recommendations met?Arufe-Giraldez, Victor; Sanmiguel-Rodríguez, Alberto; Zagalaz-Sánchez, María Luisa, et al
Open accessHSE_17-3_01.pdf.jpg2022Spanish women athletes’ performance in the Summer Olympic Games historyGonzález-Ruiz, Josué; Gómez-Píriz, Pedro; Puga-González, Esther, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20