Comparative analysis of anterior corneal curvature and astigmatism measurements obtained with three different devices

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Title: Comparative analysis of anterior corneal curvature and astigmatism measurements obtained with three different devices
Authors: Molina-Martín, Ainhoa | Piñero, David P. | Caballero, María T. | Fez Saiz, Dolores de | Camps, Vicente J.
Research Group/s: Grupo de Óptica y Percepción Visual (GOPV)
Center, Department or Service: Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Óptica, Farmacología y Anatomía
Keywords: Astigmatism | Cassini | Colour light-emitting diode reflection topography | Cornea | Corneal topography | IOL master | Keratometry | Pentacam
Knowledge Area: Óptica
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publisher: Wiley
Citation: Clinical and Experimental Optometry. 2020, 103(5): 618-624.
Abstract: Background: The objective of this study was to compare the central corneal curvature and astigmatism measurements obtained with three different systems in healthy eyes and to assess the level of interchangeability between them. Methods: This was a comparative study examining 30 healthy eyes of 30 patients (age 15–53 years). A complete eye examination was performed in all cases including analysis of anterior corneal curvature and astigmatism with three devices: the colour‐LED topography system Cassini (i‐Optics) (CAS), the Scheimpflug‐based system Pentacam (Oculus Optikgeräte) (PTC) and the optical biometer IOL‐Master 500 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) (IOLM). Differences between devices in terms of curvature in the flattest (flat K) and steepest meridians (steep K) as well as in the magnitude (AST) and power vector components of astigmatism (J0 and J45) were evaluated. The interchangeability between devices was evaluated with the Bland–Altman method. Results: Statistically significant differences between devices were found in steep K and flat K (p < 0.001). No statistically significant differences between devices were found in AST (p = 0.057) and J0 power vector (p = 0.185). However, differences between devices in J45 did reach statistical significance (p = 0.039). Ranges of agreement for curvature measures ranged from 0.123 (flat K, CAS‐PTC) to 0.165 mm (steep K, CAS‐PTC). Ranges for the magnitude of astigmatism were 0.868, 1.059 and 0.739 D in CAS‐IOLM, PTC‐IOLM and CAS‐PTC comparisons, respectively. For J0 and J45, ranges of agreement were below 0.522 D. Conclusions: Measurements of central corneal curvature and astigmatism obtained with the three devices evaluated cannot be used interchangeably.
Sponsor: David P. Piñero has been supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain within the program Ramón y Cajal, RYC-2016-20471.
ISSN: 0816-4622 (Print) | 1444-0938 (Online)
DOI: 10.1111/cxo.13002
Language: eng
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Rights: © 2019 Optometry Australia
Peer Review: si
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