Journal of Human Sport and Exercise - 2021, Vol. 16, No. 1
- Table of Contents
Physical activity in the recess of childhood education: A pilot study using Garmin Vivofit Jr wristbands — Pérez-Trabazo, Laura; Barcala-Furelos, Roberto J.; Peixoto-Pino, Lucía; Rico-Díaz, Javier
Applying Stage-Based Theory to engage female students in university sport — Brunton, Julie A.; St Quinton, Tom
Establishing the validity and reliability of the ACHV-PE questionnaire into the Spanish language — Buzi, Eridiola; Larraz-Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Türegün, Mehmet; Jarani, Juel; Isidori, Emanuele
Gender differences in technical-tactical behaviour of La Liga Spanish football teams — Casal, Claudio Alberto; Losada, José Luís; Maneiro, Rubén; Ardá, Antonio
Intra and intersession reliability of the Run RocketTM in recreationally trained participants — Godwin, Mark; Matthews, Joseph; Stanhope, Edward; Richards, Kirsty
The effect of different sports specialization on ankle joint mobility of young players — Francia, Piergiorgio; Bocchi, Leonardo; Santosuosso, Ugo; Iannone, Giulia; Vittori, Alessandro; Toni, Sonia
Physical and cardiorespiratory profiles of urban schoolchildren aged 10-14 years in Douala, Cameroon — Assomo Ndemba, Peguy Brice; Temfemo, Abdou; Ndongo, Jerson Mekoulou; Mbo-Voula, Christian Josué; Guessogo, Wiliam Richard; Mandengue, Samuel Honoré; Etoundi-Ngoa, Laurent Serge
Leadership, stress and burnout among basketball referees — Martínez-Moreno, Alfonso; Ibáñez-Pérez, Ricardo; Sánchez-Roca, Catalina
Eco–motricity: An epistemic turn to re–thinking physical education in Chile — Pazos-Couto, Jose M.; Toro Arevalo, Sergio; Luhrs Middleton, Otto; Hidalgo Kawada, Felipe
The effects of betalain-rich concentrate supplementation in attenuating muscle damage following eccentric exercise — Vitti, Steven; Bruneau Jr., Michael; Leyshon, Kyle; Sotir, Susan; Headley, Samuel; O'Neill, Elizabeth
Post activation potentiation (PAP) and its application in the development of speed and explosive strength in female soccer players: A review — Pajerska, Katarzyna; Zajac, Tomasz; Mostowik, Aleksandra; Mrzyglod, Sylwia; Golas, Artur
Modeling of functional support of sports activities of biathletes of different qualifications — Priymak, Serhiy; Krutsevich, Tatiana; Pangelova, Natalia; Trachuk, Sergii; Kravchenko, Tetiana; Stepanenko, Volodymyr; Ruban, Vladyslav
Impact of exercise intervention on anxiety levels and mood profile of Greek prison inmates — Psychou, Dimitra; Kokaridas, Dimitrios; Koulouris, Nikolaos; Theodorakis, Yannis; Krommidas, Charalampos; Psycho, Christos
Analysis of power output and bar velocity during various techniques of the bench press among women — Gepfert, Mariola; Filip, Aleksandra; Kostrzewa, Maciej; Królikowska, Paulina; Hajduk, Grzegorz; Trybulski, Robert; Krzysztofik, Michał
Performance and ranking position evolution during 20 competitive seasons in elite 100 meter sprinters — Arroyo-Valencia, José Fernando; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Carmen; Castaño-Zambudio, Adrián; Martinez-Patiño, María José
Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions on doping among university students in physical education and sport science related degree programmes — Rintaugu, Elijah Gitonga; Mwangi, Francis Mundia
Pilot study: Performance-ranking relationship analysis in Czech crossfiters — Schlegel, Petr; Režný, Lukáš; Fialová, Dana
Bivariate analysis of taekwondo actions: The effectiveness of techniques and tactics in an Olympic taekwondo championship — Menescardi, Cristina; Estevan, Isaac; Ros, Concepcion; Hernández-Mendo, Antonio; Falco, Coral
Youth athletes' developmental outcomes by age, gender, and type of sport — Kilic, Koray; Ince, Mustafa Levent
An investigation into the relationship between throw performance and maximum weight in weight training of female discus throwers — Takanashi, Yuta; Fujimori, Natsumi; Koikawa, Natsue
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
Recent Submissions
Pilot study: Performance-ranking relationship analysis in Czech crossfiters
The effect of different sports specialization on ankle joint mobility of young players
Youth athletes' developmental outcomes by age, gender, and type of sport