Browsing by Author Todolí Torró, José Luis

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Open access2017_Sanchez_etal_AnalChem_final.pdf.jpg15-Nov-2017Aerosol-Phase Extraction Method for Determination of Ca, K, Mg, and Na in Biodiesel through Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission SpectrometrySánchez, Raquel; Maestre, Salvador E.; Prats Moya, Soledad, et al
Open access2016_Sanchez_etal_SpectrActaB_final.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2016Analysis of bioethanol samples through Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with a total sample consumption systemSánchez, Carlos; Lienemann, Charles Philippe; Todolí Torró, José Luis
Open access2017_Canabate_etal_JAAS_accepted.pdf.jpg2017Analysis of whole blood by ICP-MS equipped with a high temperature total sample consumption systemCañabate López, Águeda; García-Ruiz, Esperanza; Resano, Martín, et al
Open accessLopez-Botella_etal_2023_Life.pdf.jpg31-Mar-2023Analytical Determination of Heavy Metals in Human Seminal Plasma—A Systematic ReviewLópez-Botella, Andrea; Sánchez, Raquel; Paul, Raiza, et al
Open accessSanchez_etal_2023_JAgricFoodChem.pdf.jpg3-Jul-2023Application of Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Aerosol Phase Extraction to the Analysis of Total and Individual Phenolic Compounds in Fried Extra Virgin Olive OilsSánchez, Raquel; Beltrán Sanahuja, Ana; Prats Moya, Soledad, et al
Open accessXIV-Jornadas-Redes-ICE_047.pdf.jpg2016La asignatura Química de los Alimentos como herramienta de iniciación a la investigaciónSánchez, Carlos; Cañabate López, Águeda; Cerdán, Mar, et al
Open accessSanchez_Todoli_2023_SpectrochimActaPartB.pdf.jpg20-Aug-2023Assessment of total sample consumption infrared-heated system for minimization of matrix effects in ICP-tandem mass spectrometrySánchez, Raquel; Todolí Torró, José Luis
Restricted accessCairns_etal_2025_JAnalAtSpectrom_final.pdf.jpg11-Dec-2024Atomic spectrometry update – a review of advances in environmental analysisCairns, Warren R. L.; Butler, Owen T.; Cavoura, Olga, et al
Open access13-Jul-2011Calcinación de crisolesMora, Juan; Grindlay, Guillermo; Gras, Luis, et al
Open access26-Sep-2010Calentamiento de tubos de ensayoGras, Luis; Grindlay, Guillermo; Jiménez, Alfonso, et al
Open access2017_Canabate_etal_JAAS_final.pdf.jpg20-Jul-2017Cerebrospinal fluid elemental analysis by using a total sample consumption system operated at high temperature adapted to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryCañabate López, Águeda; García-Ruiz, Esperanza; Resano, Martín, et al
Restricted access2018_Klencsar_etal_JPharmaBiomedAnal_final.pdf.jpg10-May-2018Comparative evaluation of ICP sample introduction systems to be used in the metabolite profiling of chlorine-containing pharmaceuticals via HPLC-ICP-MSKlencsár, Balázs; Sánchez, Carlos; Balcaen, Lieve, et al
Restricted access2017_Sanchez_etal_SpectrActaB_final.pdf.jpg1-Mar-2017Comparison of a high temperature torch integrated sample introduction system with a desolvation system for the analysis of microsamples through inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometrySánchez, Raquel; Cañabate López, Águeda; Bresson, Carole, et al
Open access2019_Boucherit_etal_JMaterEnvironSci.pdf.jpg2019Comparison of Microwave-assisted, ultrasound-assisted and conventional solvent extraction techniques for the extraction of molybdenum with tributyl phosphateBoucherit, Ahmed; Khalaf, Hussein; Bonete, Pedro, et al
Open accessjaas2004(728).pdf.jpg2004Compensation for matrix effects in ICP-AES by using air segmented liquid microsample introduction. The role of the spray chamberTodolí Torró, José Luis; Maestre, Salvador E.; Mermet, Jean Michel
Open access2014_XII_Jornadas_Redes_73.pdf.jpg2014Congreso de Estudiantes de Química de la Comunidad Valenciana. Otra forma de aprender es posibleSánchez, Carlos; Cañabate López, Águeda; Cots, Ainhoa, et al
Open accesscontrol de calidad de los alimentos.pdf.jpg8-Nov-2008Curso de control de calidad de los alimentosTodolí Torró, José Luis
Open accessposter WInter 2007(1).pdf.jpg3-Nov-2007Determination of carboxylic acids, carbohydrates and metals in different tomato cultivars by HPLC-ICP-AES in a single chromatographic runParedes Paredes, Eduardo; Maestre, Salvador E.; Prats Moya, Soledad, et al
Open access2015_Carballo_etal_JSS_final.pdf.jpgApr-2015Determination of fat-soluble vitamins in vegetable oils through microwave-assisted high-performance liquid chromatographyCarballo Marrero, Silvia; Prats Moya, Soledad; Maestre, Salvador E., et al
Restricted access2013_Sanchez_etal_SA-B_final.pdf.jpg1-Oct-2013Determination of trace elements in petroleum products by inductively coupled plasma techniques: A critical reviewSánchez, Raquel; Todolí Torró, José Luis; Lienemann, Charles Philippe, et al