Browsing by Author Soto-Negro, Roberto

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessHernandez-Rodriguez_etal_2021_GOOO.pdf.jpgNov-2021Análisis retrospectivo de cambios en las vergencias fusionales en pacientes con exotropia intermitente tras realizar terapia visualHernández Rodríguez, Carlos Javier; Soto-Negro, Roberto; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Restricted access2019_Pinero_etal_Cornea_final.pdf.jpgSep-2019Analysis of Intrasession Repeatability of Ocular Aberrometric Measurements and Validation of Keratometry Provided by a New Integrated System in Mild to Moderate KeratoconusPiñero, David P.; Soto-Negro, Roberto; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Open access2017_Pinero_Soto_IJKECD.pdf.jpg2017Anterior Eye Profilometry-guided Scleral Contact Lens Fitting in KeratoconusPiñero, David P.; Soto-Negro, Roberto
Restricted access2019_Pinero_etal_Eye&ContactLens_final.pdf.jpgMay-2019Characterization of Corneoscleral Geometry Using Fourier Transform Profilometry in the Healthy EyePiñero, David P.; Martínez-Abad, Antonio; Soto-Negro, Roberto, et al
Open accessMartinez-Plaza_etal_2022_Diagnostics.pdf.jpg7-May-2022Characterization of Dysfunctional Lens Index and Opacity Grade in a Healthy PopulationMartínez-Plaza, Elena; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro; Soto-Negro, Roberto, et al
Open access2016_Pinero_etal_IJKECD.pdf.jpg2016Clinical Outcomes at 1 Year following Corneal Ectasia Treatment with Accelerated Transepithelial Cross-linkingPiñero, David P.; Artola, Alberto; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Open access2017_Artola_etal_ IntJOphthalmol.pdf.jpg18-Apr-2017Clinical outcomes at one year following keratoconus treatment with accelerated transepithelial cross-linkingArtola, Alberto; Piñero, David P.; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Restricted access2015_Pinero_etal_Graefes_final.pdf.jpgDec-2015Clinical utility of ocular residual astigmatism and topographic disparity vector indexes in subclinical and clinical keratoconusPiñero, David P.; Pérez Cambrodí, Rafael J.; Soto-Negro, Roberto, et al
Open access2019_Pinero_etal_ContactLensAntEye_preprint.pdf.jpgFeb-2019Differences in corneo-scleral topographic profile between healthy and keratoconus corneasPiñero, David P.; Martínez-Abad, Antonio; Soto-Negro, Roberto, et al
Open accessHernandez-Rodriguez_etal_2021_Vision.pdf.jpg23-Mar-2021Efficacy of Perceptual Learning-Based Vision Training as an Adjuvant to Occlusion Therapy in the Management of Amblyopia: A Pilot StudyHernández Rodríguez, Carlos Javier; Fukumitsu, Hideki; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Open access2019_Pinero_etal_IntJOphthalmol.pdf.jpg18-Mar-2019Interchangeability of corneal curvature and asphericity measurements provided by three different devicesPiñero, David P.; Soto-Negro, Roberto; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Restricted access2016_Ruiz-Belda_etal_Graefes_final.pdf.jpgJan-2016Intra-session repeatability of iridocorneal angle measurements provided by a Scheimpflug photography-based system in healthy eyesRuiz-Belda, Clara; Piñero, David P.; Ruiz Fortes, Pedro, et al
Open access2016_Pinero_etal_IntEyeSci.pdf.jpgJun-2016Preliminary evaluation of an algorithm to minimize the power error selection of an aspheric intraocular lens by optimizing the estimation of the corneal power and the effective lens positionPiñero, David P.; Camps, Vicente J.; Ramón, María L., et al