Browsing by Author Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessAnalysis_GeneralizedFeeds_McCabe_JAReyesLabata_et_al_R1_LAAR2014.pdf.jpg2014Analysis of the Connecting Zone between Consecutive Sections in Distillation Columns Covering Multiple Feeds, Products and Heat Transfer StagesLabarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessPosterPonchon_11_005_P.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2011Analysis of the zone connecting consecutive sectors in distillation columns by the Ponchon-Savarit methodMarcilla, Antonio; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Labarta, Juan A.
Open access2016_Marcilla_etal_LAAR.pdf.jpg2016Analysis of the Zone Connecting Consecutive Sectors in Generalized Distillation Columns by Using the Ponchon-Savarit MethodMarcilla, Antonio; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Labarta, Juan A.
Open accessEquifase09_216DistillationBoundaries_JAReyesLabarta.pdf.jpg2009Analytical determination of distillation boundaries for ternary azeotropic systemsMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Velasco, Raúl, et al
Open accessCEEpivote_JAReyesLabarta.pdf.jpg2007Computing liquid-liquid phase equilibria: an exercise to understanding the nature of false solutions and how to avoid themOlaya, Maria del Mar; Ibarra García, Isabel; Labarta, Juan A., et al
Restricted accessCorrelation_LL_T1_T2_final.pdf.jpg14-Dec-2008Correlation of the liquid–liquid equilibrium data for specific ternary systems with one or two partially miscible binary subsystemsLabarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Velasco, Raúl, et al
Open accessEquifase09_FT33_explicitEquationLV.pdf.jpg17-Oct-2009Explicit equation to calculate the liquid-vapour equilibrium for ternary azeotropic and non azetropic systemsMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Velasco, Raúl, et al
Open access48TOTHERJ_GEmodels_LimitationsProposals.pdf.jpg30-Aug-2011GE models and algorithms for condensed phase equilibrium data regression in ternary systems: limitations and proposalsMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Restricted access2014_Marcilla_etal_ECE_final.pdf.jpgJan-2014Geometrical study of the three-dimensional temperature–composition diagrams. An important aid to understand the behavior of the liquid–vapour equilibrium in ternary systemsMarcilla, Antonio; Gómez-Siurana, Amparo; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores
Restricted accessCorrelation_LLLE_Type3_JAReyesLabarta.pdf.jpgApr-2009Gibbs energy based procedure for the correlation of type 3 ternary systems including a three-liquid phase regionMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessPoster_Gibbs_III_Expoquimia2008.pdf.jpgOct-2008Gibbs energy based procedure for the correlation of type 3 ternary systems including a three-liquid phases (LLLE) regionMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessGraphical_representations_particular_cases_PonchonSavarit.pdf.jpg7-Nov-2014Graphical Representation of the Changes of Sector for Particular Cases in the Ponchon Savarit MethodLabarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessFLUID_8373_press.pdf.jpg2010Methods for improving models for condensed phase equilibrium calculationsMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessPoster_NTRL_IyII_expoquimia2008.pdf.jpgOct-2008NRTL parameters for some type I and II ternary systemsLabarta, Juan A.; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Restricted access2013_Marcilla_etal_IECR_final.pdf.jpg29-Jul-2013Pitfalls in the Evaluation of the Thermodynamic Consistency of Experimental VLE Data SetsMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessPoster_pitfalls_TP11_023.pdf.jpgOct-2008Pitfalls on computing liquid-liquid phase equilibria using the k-value methodMarcilla, Antonio; Labarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessReviewExtensionMcCabeGeneralizedFeeds.pdf.jpg2-Jul-2012Review and extension of the McCabe-Thiele method covering multiple feeds, products and heat transfer stagesMarcilla, Antonio; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Labarta, Juan A.
Open accesspaper_equifase09_223CorrelationProgram.pdf.jpg17-Oct-2009Robust program for LLSE data correlation of ternary systemsMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open accessSupplementary_Material_AnalysisConnectingZone_McCabeGeneralizedFeeds_LAAR2014_44_4_307.pdf.jpg25-Feb-2016Supplementary Material: Analysis of the Connecting Zone Between Consecutive Sections in Distillation Columns Covering Multiple Feeds, Products and Heat Transfer StagesLabarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores; Marcilla, Antonio
Open accessEducation_LV_.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2010Vapor-liquid equilibria using the Gibbs energy and the common tangent plane criterionOlaya, Maria del Mar; Labarta, Juan A.; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al