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Open accessOtero-Garcia_etal_2024_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg4-Apr-2024Accessibility of intimate partner violence-related services for young women in Spain. Qualitative study on professionals’ perspectivesOtero, Laura; Durán-Martín, Eva; Castellanos Torres, Esther, et al
Open accessCerdan-Torregrosa_etal_2025_IntJEquityHealth.pdf.jpg20-Jan-2025Areas for action to promote positive forms of masculinities in preventing violence against women: a concept mapping study in SpainCerdán-Torregrosa, Ariadna; Sanz-Barbero, Belen; La Parra-Casado, Daniel, et al
Open accessJaskulska_etal_2022_Sustainability.pdf.jpg28-Oct-2022Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization and Associated Factors among Adolescents in Six European CountriesJaskulska, Sylwia; Jankowiak, Barbara; Pérez-Martínez, Vanesa, et al
Open accessSanz-Barbero_etal_2024_BMCPublicHealth.pdf.jpg19-Jul-2024Characterizing myths of sexual aggression in the young population in SpainSanz-Barbero, Belen; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Vall-Llosera Casanovas, Laura, et al
Restricted accessNardini_etal_2024JInterpersonalViolence_final.pdf.jpg27-Jul-2024Constructing, Deconstructing or Abolishing? Discourses on Masculinities in Violence Against Women Prevention by Stakeholders in SpainNardini, Krizia; Cerdán-Torregrosa, Ariadna; Sanz-Barbero, Belen, et al
Open accessVives-Cases_etal_2021_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg21-Oct-2021Coping with intimate partner violence and the COVID-19 lockdown: The perspectives of service professionals in SpainVives-Cases, Carmen; La Parra-Casado, Daniel; Briones Vozmediano, Erica, et al
Open accessCastellanos-Torres_etal_2023_PLoS-ONE.pdf.jpg2-Aug-2023COVID-19 and sexual violence against women: A qualitative study about young people and professionals’ perspectives in SpainCastellanos Torres, Esther; Sanz-Barbero, Belen; Vives-Cases, Carmen, et al
Open accessArza-Porras_etal_2020_IJRS.pdf.jpg15-Sep-2020COVID-19 Crisis: Impact on Households of the Roma CommunityArza-Porras, Javier; Gil-González, Diana; Català Oltra, Lluís, et al
Open accessDating-Violence-and-Associated-Factors-Among-Male-and-Female-Adolescents-in-Spain.pdf.jpg24-Mar-2021Dating Violence and Associated Factors Among Male and Female Adolescents in SpainVives-Cases, Carmen; Pérez-Martínez, Vanesa; Davó-Blanes, M. Carmen, et al
Open accessVives-Cases_etal_2021_IntJEnvironResPublicHealth.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2021Dating Violence Victimization among Adolescents in Europe: Baseline Results from the Lights4Violence ProjectVives-Cases, Carmen; Sanz-Barbero, Belen; Ayala, Alba, et al
Open accessGoicolea_etal_2022_IntJEnvironResPublicHealth.pdf.jpg9-Nov-2022Disclosing Gender-Based Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Professionals’ and Women’s Perspectives through a Discursive ApproachGoicolea, Isabel; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Castellanos Torres, Esther, et al
Open accessDuran-Martin_etal_2022_HealthExpectations.pdf.jpg24-Feb-2022Do we have friendly services to meet the needs of young women exposed to intimate partner violence in the Madrid region?Durán‐Martín, Eva; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Otero, Laura, et al
Open accessEducational-Guide-PositivMasc-2022.pdf.jpg2022Educational intervention guide. Promoting positive masculinities for the prevention of violence against women. Conceptual toolbox and activitiesNardini, Krizia; Bolton, Robert; Cerdán-Torregrosa, Ariadna, et al
Open accessAbietar_etal_2023_JFeministGenderWomenStud.pdf.jpg4-May-2023The effect of social capital in the intimate partner violence in adolescents from an intersectionality perspectiveAbiétar, Daniel G.; Sánchez-Martínez, Francesca; Juárez, Olga, et al
Open accessSanz-Barbero_etal_2022_BMCPublicHealth.pdf.jpg19-Mar-2022Effect of the Lights4Violence intervention on the sexism of adolescents in European countriesSanz-Barbero, Belen; Ayala, Alba; Ieracitano, Francesca, et al
Open accessForcadell‐Diez_etal_2024_JSchoolHealth.pdf.jpg10-Sep-2024Evaluation of the Let's Focus! (Posem el Focus) Socioeducational Intervention: Promoting Healthy and Equitable Relationships in High SchoolsForcadell-Díez, Lluís; Pérez-Martínez, Vanesa; Guitart, Elisabeth, et al
Open accessPerez-Martinez_etal_2022_BMCPublicHealth.pdf.jpg3-Mar-2022Evaluation of the lights4violence program: reduction in machismo and acceptance of violence among adolescents in EuropePérez-Martínez, Vanesa; Sanz-Barbero, Belen; Ferrer-Cascales, Rosario, et al
Open access2017_Vives_Sanz_Femicide-Volume-VII.pdf.jpg2017Femicide in Spain: Data availability, opportunities and challengesVives-Cases, Carmen; Sanz-Barbero, Belen
Open accessFilmemonos-Documento-de-actividades.pdf.jpg2022Filmémonos para vernos en un nuevo presente. Programa de promoción de las relaciones equitativas en el ámbito escolar. Documento de actividadesDavó-Blanes, M. Carmen; Ferrer-Cascales, Rosario; Albaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia, et al
Open accessFilmemonos-Documento-teorico.pdf.jpg2022Filmémonos para vernos en un nuevo presente. Programa de promoción de las relaciones equitativas en el ámbito escolar. Documento teórico para el profesoradoDavó-Blanes, M. Carmen; Ferrer-Cascales, Rosario; Albaladejo-Blázquez, Natalia, et al