Browsing by Author Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel

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Open accessMemories-Xarxes-I3CE-2020-21_23.pdf.jpg2021Adaptación a la docencia dual de actividades prácticas de laboratorioFrancés, Jorge; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Galiana-Merino, Juan José, et al
Open access2019_Sirci_etal_IEEEAccess.pdf.jpg4-Mar-2019Advanced Filtering Solutions in Coaxial SIW Technology Based on Singlets, Cascaded Singlets, and DoubletsSirci, Stefano; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Martínez, Jorge D., et al
Open accessNuevos-retos-educativos-ensenanza-superior-frente-al-COVID-19_20.pdf.jpg2021Análisis sobre el grado de satisfacción del uso de vídeos como apoyo para la docencia dual en el laboratorio de titulaciones técnicasFrancés, Jorge; Carbajo, Jesús; Galiana-Merino, Juan José, et al
Restricted access2014_Sanchez_etal_IEEE-TCPMT_final.pdf.jpgOct-2014Average Power Handling Capability of Microstrip Passive Circuits Considering Metal Housing and Environment ConditionsSánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Queré, Yves; Le Saux, Vincent, et al
Restricted access2018_Borrego_etal_IEEE-MicrowaveMag_final.pdf.jpg8-May-2018Coexistence Without Interference: Interference Mitigation on DVB-T Reception Caused by Neutral Systems Operating in the Digital Dividend BandBorrego, José P.; Gómez-García, Roberto; Carvalho, Nuno Borges, et al
Restricted access2011_Sanchez_etal_IEEE-MWCL_final.pdf.jpgMar-2011Comments on “Novel Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Using Shorted Coupled Lines and Transversal Transmission Line”Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Bronchalo, Enrique; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán
Open access2016_Sanchez-Soriano_etal_IEEE-MWCL_final.pdf.jpgJun-2016Compact Dual-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Coaxial Cavity for Bandpass Filter DesignSánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Sirci, Stefano; Martínez, Jorge D., et al
Restricted access2018_Chuma_etal_IETMicrowAntennasPropag_final.pdf.jpg1-Feb-2018Compact rectenna based on a fractal geometry with a high conversion energy efficiency per areaChuma, Euclides Lourenço; Torre Rodrígez, Lisandro de la; Iano, Yuno, et al
Restricted access2009_Sanchez_etal_IEEE-MWCL_final.pdf.jpgNov-2009Compact UWB Bandpass Filter Based on Signal Interference TechniquesSánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Bronchalo, Enrique; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán
Restricted access2010_Sanchez_etal_IEEE-MWCL_final.pdf.jpgJun-2010Compact Wideband Bandstop Filter With Four Transmission ZerosSánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; Bronchalo, Enrique
Open accessMemorias-del-programa-redes-i3ce-2016-17_82.pdf.jpg2017Coordinación y seguimiento de instrumentos de evaluación continua en curso 4 en Grado Teleco en EPSSánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Gimeno, Encarnación; Arques Corrales, Pilar, et al
Open accessMemories-Xarxes-I3CE-2017-18-71.pdf.jpg2018Coordinación y seguimiento de la evaluación en el curso 4 del grado Teleco en la EPS-UASánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Gimeno, Encarnación; Arques Corrales, Pilar, et al
Open accessMorales-Hernandez_etal_EuMC_2021.pdf.jpg14-Jan-2021Cover-Ended Resonators to Increase Corona Discharge Thresholds in Microstrip Bandpass FiltersMorales-Hernández, Aitor; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Marini, Stephan, et al
Restricted access2015_Sirci_etal_IEEE-TMTT_final.pdf.jpgDec-2015Design and Multiphysics Analysis of Direct and Cross-Coupled SIW Combline Filters Using Electric and Magnetic CouplingsSirci, Stefano; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Martínez, Jorge D., et al
Open accessMorales-Hernandez_etal_EuCAP_2021.pdf.jpgMar-2021Design Strategy and Considerations to Improve Corona Discharge Breakdown in Groove Gap WaveguidesMorales-Hernández, Aitor; Ferrando-Rocher, Miguel; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel, et al
Open accessXIV-Jornadas-Redes-ICE_193.pdf.jpg2016Diseño de la evaluación en el grado en ingeniería en sonido e imagen en telecomunicaciónGallego, Sergi; Alvarez, Mariela L.; Bleda, Sergio, et al
Open accessMemories-Xarxes-I3CE-2019-20_72.pdf.jpg2020Elaboración de experiencias docentes con ArduinoFrancés, Jorge; Navarro-Fuster, Víctor; Sedano Capellán, Ander, et al
Open access2016_Sanchez-Soriano_etal_IEEE-Access.pdf.jpg13-Dec-2016Energy Recovery from Microstrip Passive CircuitsSánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Queré, Yves; Le Saux, Vicent, et al
Open accessMorales-Hernandez_etal_2021_IJMWT.pdf.jpg14-Apr-2021Enhancement of corona discharge thresholds in microstrip bandpass filters by using cover-ended resonatorsMorales-Hernández, Aitor; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Marini, Stephan, et al
Restricted access2013_Gomez_etal_ElectrLett_final.pdf.jpg14-Feb-2013Extended-stopband microstrip lowpass filter using rat-race directional couplersGómez-García, Roberto; Sánchez-Soriano, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez-Renedo, Manuel, et al