Browsing by Author Sánchez-García, Alicia

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open accessSoler_etal_2021_IntEyeSci.pdf.jpgAug-2021Analysis of the characteristics of electronic equipment usage distance for common usersSoler, Fernando; Sánchez-García, Alicia; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Restricted accessSanchez-Garcia_etal_2024_EyeContactLens_final.pdf.jpgSep-2024Analysis of Treatment Discontinuation in Orthokeratology: Studying Efficacy, Safety, and Patient Adherence Over Six MonthsSánchez-García, Alicia; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Ariza-Gracia, Miguel Á., et al
Open accesstesis_doctoral_alicia_sanchez_garcia.pdf.jpg2022Caracterización del efecto ortoqueratológico en miopía e hipermetropía: factores de predicción del éxito del resultadoSánchez-García, Alicia
Open accessSoler_etal_2022_IntEyeRes.pdf.jpg28-Mar-2022Characterization of working and mobile phone usage distances in common users of electronic devices and computersSoler, Fernando; Sánchez-García, Alicia; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Restricted accessHamida-Abdelkader_etal_2021_SeminarsOphthalm_final.pdf.jpg22-Feb-2021Comparison of Different Methods of Corneal Collagen Crosslinking: A Systematic ReviewHamida Abdelkader, Sidi Mohamed; Fernández, Joaquín; Rodríguez-Vallejo, Manuel, et al
Restricted accessSoler_etal_2021_CurrEyeRes_final.pdf.jpg18-Jan-2021Differences in Visual Working and Mobile Phone Usage Distance according to the Job ProfileSoler, Fernando; Sánchez-García, Alicia; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa, et al
Restricted accessSanchez-Garcia_etal_2023_Eye&ContactLens_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2023Modeling and Prediction of the Immediate and Short-Term Effect of Myopic OrthokeratologySánchez-García, Alicia; Molina-Martín, Ainhoa; Ariza-Gracia, Miguel Á., et al
Restricted accessSanchez-Garcia_2020_etal_Eye&ContactLens_final.pdf.jpgMay-2020Orthokeratology With a New Contact Lens Design in Hyperopia: A Pilot StudySánchez-García, Alicia; Batres-Valderas, Laura; Piñero, David P.
Open access2019_Sanchez-Garcia_etal_GOOO.pdf.jpgMay-2019Ortoqueratología en hipermetropía: una revisión sistemáticaSánchez-García, Alicia; Batres-Valderas, Laura; Piñero, David P.
Restricted accessSanchez-Garcia_etal_2020_ContactLensAnteriorEye_final.pdf.jpg10-Oct-2020Structural changes associated to orthokeratology: A systematic reviewSánchez-García, Alicia; Ariza-Gracia, Miguel Á.; Büchler, Phillippe, et al
Open access2020_Fernandez_etal_ClinExperimentOphthalmol_final.pdf.jpg2020Systematic review of potential causes of intraocular lens opacificationFernández, Joaquín; Sánchez-García, Alicia; Rodríguez-Vallejo, Manuel, et al