Browsing by Author Garrido, María A.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
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Open accessOrtuño - Emissions FPUF (abstract poster).pdf.jpgJun-2015Analysis of pollutants evolved from combustion and pyrolysis of flexible polyurethane foam in a laboratory furnaceOrtuño García, Nuria; Garrido, María A.; Font, Rafael, et al
Open accessGomez-Rico_etal_2024_Water.pdf.jpg27-May-2024Behavior of PCDD/Fs and PCBs from Wastewater Treatment Plants during Sewage Sludge Composting: Study of Semi-Anaerobic Conditions and Different Stages of the ProcessGómez-Rico, María Francisca; Hernandez, Teresa; Garrido, María A., et al
Open access2017_Garrido_etal_Energies.pdf.jpg26-Jun-2017Characterization and Production of Fuel Briquettes Made from Biomass and Plastic WastesGarrido, María A.; Conesa, Juan A.; Garcia, Maria Dolores
Open accesstesis_maria_de_los_angeles_garrido_lopez.pdf.jpg2017Descomposición térmica y briquetado de residuos de espumas de poliuretanoGarrido, María A.
Open access2016_Rey_etal_Organohalogen-Compounds.pdf.jpg2016Emissions from pyrolysis and combustion of automotive shredder residueRey Martínez, Lorena; Conesa, Juan A.; Aracil, Ignacio, et al
Open accessIV_Reunion_Dioxinas_23.pdf.jpgJun-2013Estudio de la generación de PCDD/Fs durante el proceso de compostajeGarrido, María A.; Muñoz Fernández, María; Font, Rafael
Open access2018_Font_Garrido_ThermochimicaActa_final.pdf.jpg10-Feb-2018Friedman and n-reaction order methods applied to pine needles and polyurethane thermal decompositionsFont, Rafael; Garrido, María A.
Open access2017_Garrido_etal_Chemosphere_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2017Isocyanate emissions from pyrolysis of mattresses containing polyurethane foamGarrido, María A.; Gerecke, Andreas C.; Heeb, Norbert, et al
Open access2016_Garrido_etal_EnConMan_final.pdf.jpg1-Jul-2016Kinetic study and thermal decomposition behavior of viscoelastic memory foamGarrido, María A.; Font, Rafael; Conesa, Juan A.
Open access2014_Font_etal_JAAP.pdf.jpg4-Jun-2014Kinetics of the combustion of olive oil. A semi-global modelFont, Rafael; Rey Martínez, María Dolores; Garrido, María A.
Open access2018_Munoz_etal_SciTotEnv_revised.pdf.jpgMar-2018PCDD/F determination in sewage sludge composting. Influence of aeration and the presence of PCPMuñoz Fernández, María; Garrido, María A.; Gómez-Rico, María Francisca, et al
Restricted access2013_Marcilla_etal_IECR_final.pdf.jpg29-Jul-2013Pitfalls in the Evaluation of the Thermodynamic Consistency of Experimental VLE Data SetsMarcilla, Antonio; Olaya, Maria del Mar; Serrano Cayuelas, María Dolores, et al
Open access2016_Garrido_etal_WasMan_final.pdf.jpgJun-2016Pollutant emissions during the pyrolysis and combustion of flexible polyurethane foamGarrido, María A.; Font, Rafael; Conesa, Juan A.
Open access2017_Garrido_etal_SciTotEnv_final.pdf.jpg15-Jan-2017Pollutant emissions from the pyrolysis and combustion of viscoelastic memory foamGarrido, María A.; Font, Rafael; Conesa, Juan A.
Open access2016_Rey_etal_WasteManag_final.pdf.jpgOct-2016Pollutant formation in the pyrolysis and combustion of Automotive Shredder ResidueRey Martínez, Lorena; Conesa, Juan A.; Aracil, Ignacio, et al
Open access2015_Garrido_Font_JAAP_final.pdf.jpgMay-2015Pyrolysis and combustion study of flexible polyurethane foamGarrido, María A.; Font, Rafael
Open access2016_Conesa_etal_EnergyFuels_final.pdf.jpg18-May-2016Semivolatile and Volatile Compound Evolution during Pyrolysis and Combustion of Colombian Coffee HuskConesa, Juan A.; Sánchez, Nazly E.; Garrido, María A., et al
Open accessFont_etal_2023_ApplSci.pdf.jpg21-May-2023Study of the Briquetting Process of Walnut Shells for Pyrolysis and CombustionFont, Rafael; Villar, Estefanía; Garrido, María A., et al
Open access2017_Garrido_etal_FuelProcesTech_final.pdf.jpgMay-2017Thermochemical study of the briquetting process of mattress foamsGarrido, María A.; Font, Rafael; Conesa, Juan A.
Open access2016_Garrido_etal_Organohalogen-Compounds.pdf.jpg2016Volatile and semivolatile compounds from the pyrolysis and combustion of viscoelastic memory foamGarrido, María A.; Font, Rafael; Conesa, Juan A.