Browsing by Author Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria

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Open accessFernandez-Gonzalez_etal_2022_Aquaculture.pdf.jpg13-Jan-2022Abundance of sea lice larvae in plankton samples: determination of optimal sample sizesFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Ulvan, Eva M.; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo, et al
Open accessRed-docente-UA_5543_21_22_Copernicus-desde-el-aula_MarWatching.pdf.jpg22-Jun-2022Análisis del cambio climático en el medio marino desde el aula mediante el sistema europeo de teledetección CopernicusSanchez-Jerez, Pablo; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Forcada, Aitor, et al
Open accessLos-anfipodos-y-la-acuicultura-ficha-divulgativa.pdf.jpg2022Los anfípodos y la acuiculturaFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Sanchez-Beresaluze, Esther; Abel, Isabel
Open access2015_Aguado_etal_MarEnvRes_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2015Application of “taxocene surrogation” and “taxonomic sufficiency” concepts to fish farming environmental monitoring. Comparison of BOPA index versus polychaete assemblage structureAguado Giménez, Felipe; Gairin Deulofeu, Joan Ignasi; Martinez-Garcia, Elena, et al
Open access2018_Sanchez-Jerez_etal_MeditMarSci.pdf.jpg10-Jul-2018Assessment of the impact of Atlantic bluefin tuna farming on Adriatic benthic habitats by analysing macroinvertebrate assemblage structure at family levelSanchez-Jerez, Pablo; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Mladineo, Ivona, et al
Open accessRoig-Puche_etal_MarDrugs.pdf.jpg22-Nov-2023Chitosan from Marine Amphipods Inhibits the Wilt Banana Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense Tropical Race 4Roig-Puche, Marc; Lopez-Moya, Federico; Valverde Urrea, Miguel, et al
Open accessFernandez-Gonzalez_etal_2021_FrontMarSci.pdf.jpg23-Nov-2021Connectivity Patterns for Direct Developing Invertebrates in Fragmented Marine Habitats: Fish Farms Fouling as Source Population in the Establishment and Maintenance of Local MetapopulationsFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Navarro-Mayoral, Sandra; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo
Restricted access2018_Sanz-Lazaro_etal_AquacultInt_final.pdf.jpgOct-2018Depth matters for bivalve culture in integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) and other polyculture strategies under non-eutrophic conditionsSanz-Lázaro, Carlos; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Arechavala-Lopez, Pablo, et al
Open access2016_Esquete_Fernandez_HelgolMarRes.pdf.jpg23-Dec-2016Description, systematics and ecology of a new tanaidacean (Crustacea, Peracarida) species from mediterranean fish farmsEsquete, Patricia; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria
Open accessNavarro-Mayoral_etal_2023_MarEnvironmRes.pdf.jpg10-Feb-2023Drivers of variation in seagrass-associated amphipods across biogeographical areasNavarro-Mayoral, Sandra; Tuya, Fernando; Prado, Patricia, et al
Open access2011_Fernandez_Sanchez_ABC.pdf.jpg2011Effects of sea bass and sea bream farming (Western Mediterranean Sea) on peracarid crustacean assemblagesFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo
Open access2016_Fernandez‑Leborans_etal_HelgolMarRes.pdf.jpg1-Dec-2016Epibiontic associations between apostomid ciliates Conidophrys spp. and amphipods associated with fish farms fouling in the western Mediterranean SeaFernandez-Leborans, Gregorio; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo, et al
Open accessMemories-Xarxes-I3CE-2017-18-127.pdf.jpg2018Evaluación de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria de la Facultad de CienciasFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Toledo-Guedes, Kilian; Martinez-Garcia, Elena, et al
Open access2013-XI-Jornadas-Redes-159.pdf.jpg2013Experiencias positivas de aprendizaje autónomo en el ámbito de las ciencias experimentalesZubcoff, Jose; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Martinez-Garcia, Elena, et al
Open access2019_Rubio-Portillo_etal_Aquaculture_final.pdf.jpg15-May-2019Exploring changes in bacterial communities to assess the influence of fish farming on marine sedimentsRubio-Portillo, Esther; Villamor, Adriana; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria, et al
Open access2013_Fernandez-Gonzalez_etal_AquacultEnvironInteract.pdf.jpg3-Jan-2013Exploring patterns of variation in amphipod assemblages at multiple spatial scales: natural variability versus coastal aquaculture effectFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Aguado Giménez, Felipe; Gairin Deulofeu, Joan Ignasi, et al
Restricted access2014_Fernandez_Sanchez_HelgolMarRes_final.pdf.jpgMar-2014First occurrence of Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 (Crustacea: Amphipoda) on off-coast fish farm cages in the Mediterranean SeaFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo
Open accesstesis_victoria_fernandez_gonzalez.pdf.jpg2017Fouling amphipods on marine aquaculture facilities: ecological interactions and potential applications and potential applicationsFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria
Open access2017_Fernandez_Sanchez_MeditMarSci.pdf.jpg13-Feb-2017Fouling assemblages associated with off-coast aquaculture facilities: an overall assessment of the Mediterranean SeaFernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Sanchez-Jerez, Pablo
Open accessMartinez_et_al_2018_sm82n1027.pdf.jpgMar-2018From paper to practice: an initial approach to implementation of the environmental monitoring plan for fish farming proposed by JACUMARMartinez-Garcia, Elena; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Victoria; Aguado Giménez, Felipe, et al