Browsing by Author Villacampa, Yolanda

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Showing results 51 to 63 of 63 < previous 
AccessPreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Open access2019_Migallon_etal_ConsBuildMater_final.pdf.jpg20-Sep-2019Parallel approach of a Galerkin-based methodology for predicting the compressive strength of the lightweight aggregate concreteMigallón, Violeta; Navarro-González, Francisco J.; Penadés, Jose, et al
Open accessMigallon_etal_2022_JComputSci.pdf.jpg10-Aug-2022A parallel methodology using radial basis functions versus machine learning approaches applied to environmental modellingMigallón, Violeta; Navarro-González, Francisco J.; Penadés Migallón, Héctor, et al
Restricted access2018_Tenza-Abril_etal_ConsBuilMat_final.pdf.jpg20-Nov-2018Prediction and sensitivity analysis of compressive strength in segregated lightweight concrete based on artificial neural network using ultrasonic pulse velocityTenza-Abril, Antonio José; Villacampa, Yolanda; Solak, Afonso M., et al
Open access2020_Hernandez_etal_SciTotEnv_final.pdf.jpg10-Jan-2020Predictive models of minimum temperatures for the south of Buenos Aires provinceHernandez, Gabriela; Müller, Gabriela V.; Villacampa, Yolanda, et al
Open accessMemorias-del-programa-redes-i3ce-2016-17_45.pdf.jpg2017Red de coordinación del primer curso del Grado en Fundamentos de la ArquitecturaNegueruela, Ignacio; Barberá Pastor, Carlos; Ferrer Graciá, María Jesús, et al
Open accessMemorias-del-programa-redes-i3ce-2016-17_217.pdf.jpg2017Red para el uso del vídeo en la docencia matemáticaVerdú Monllor, Ferran Josep; Villacampa, Yolanda; Reyes, José Antonio, et al
Open accessLa-docencia-en-la-Ensenanza-Superior_11.pdf.jpg2020Relación entre la matriculación y las personas egresadas en la Ingeniería CivilChiva Miralles, Lorena; López, Isabel; Pagán, José Ignacio, et al
Open access2017_Pagan_etal_IntJCompMethExpMeas.pdf.jpg2017A Software Application to Obtain the Depth of Closure from Beach Profile DataPagán, José Ignacio; Villacampa, Yolanda; Aragonés, Luis, et al
Open access2018_Gisbert_etal_WITTransEcoEnv.pdf.jpg2018Study of the Relationship between the Number of Travelers and Beach Services in SpainGisbert Sánchez, Juan Ignacio; Palazón Bru, Antonio; López, Isabel, et al
Open access2017_Aragones_etal_IntJSusDevPlann.pdf.jpg2017Sustainable Development City-Beach in AlicanteAragonés, Luis; Garcia-Barba, Javier; Villacampa, Yolanda, et al
Open access2018_Pagan_etal_WIT-TBE.pdf.jpg2018Urban Growth and Beach Nourishment: Experiences on the Coast of Alicante, SpainPagán, José Ignacio; López, Isabel; Tenza-Abril, Antonio José, et al
Restricted access2017_Aragones_etal_JCoastRes_33-5_final.pdf.jpg21-Oct-2017Using the Presence of Seagrass Posidonia oceanica to Model the Equilibrium Profile Parameter A of Sandy Beaches in SpainAragonés, Luis; López, Isabel; Villacampa, Yolanda, et al
Open access2017_Villacampa_etal_IntJSusDevPlann.pdf.jpg2017Water Quality of the Beach in an Urban and not Urban EnvironmentVillacampa, Yolanda; López, Isabel; Aragonés, Luis, et al