Browsing by Author Villacampa, Yolanda

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Open accessMemories-Xarxes-ICE-2021-22_091.pdf.jpg2022El empleo de la plataforma Kahoot! en la asignatura gestión y explotación de puertos del grado en ingeniería civilLópez, Isabel; Pagán, José Ignacio; Moya-Llamas, María-José, et al
Open accessMemorias-del-programa-redes-i3ce-2016-17_03.pdf.jpg2017Estudio de seguimiento del Grado en Ingeniería CivilAragonés, Luis; Bañón, Luis; Ivorra, Salvador, et al
Open accessInvestigacion-e-Innovacion-Educativa-en-Docencia-Universitaria_004.pdf.jpg2016Estudio de seguimiento del Grado en Ingeniería CivilAragonés, Luis; Bañón, Luis; Ivorra, Salvador, et al
Open accessMemories-Xarxes-I3CE-2018-19-085.pdf.jpg2019Evaluación y análisis de la tasa de abandono en el Grado de Ingeniería CivilVillacampa, Yolanda; Tenza-Abril, Antonio José; Navarro-González, Francisco J., et al
Open access2016_Navarro_Villacampa_IntJCompMethExpMeas.pdf.jpg2016A Finite Element Numerical Algorithm for Modelling and Data Fitting in Complex SystemsNavarro-González, Francisco J.; Villacampa, Yolanda
Open accessLopez_etal_2020_MarineGeoresourGeotech_final.pdf.jpg7-Jul-2020Finite elements method based on Galerkin’s formulation for predicting the sand bars positionLópez, Isabel; Pagán, José Ignacio; Navarro-González, Francisco J., et al
Open accessNavarro-Gonzalez_Villacampa_2021_Mathematics.pdf.jpg21-Mar-2021A Foundation for Logarithmic Utility Function of MoneyNavarro-González, Francisco J.; Villacampa, Yolanda
Open access2019_Aragones_etal_SciTotEnv_final.pdf.jpg10-Apr-2019Galerkin's formulation of the finite elements method to obtain the depth of closureAragonés, Luis; Pagán, José Ignacio; López, Isabel, et al
Restricted access2013_Navarro_Villacampa_AES_final.pdf.jpgOct-2013Generation of representation models for complex systems using Lagrangian functionsNavarro-González, Francisco J.; Villacampa, Yolanda
Open access2018_Lopez_etal_SciTotEnv_revised.pdf.jpg1-Apr-2018Gravel beaches nourishment: Modelling the equilibrium beach profileLópez, Isabel; Aragonés, Luis; Villacampa, Yolanda, et al
Restricted access2019_Villacampa_etal_ApplSoftCompJ_final.pdf.jpgFeb-2019A guided genetic algorithm for diagonalization of symmetric and Hermitian matricesVillacampa, Yolanda; Navarro-González, Francisco J.; Compañ, Patricia, et al
Open accessMemories-Xarxes-I3CE-2018-19-047.pdf.jpg2019Learning analytics, moodle y matemáticasVerdú Monllor, Ferran Josep; Cortés-Molina, Mónica; Reyes, José Antonio, et al
Open access2015_Villacampa_etal_WIT-TBE.pdf.jpg2015A methodology for the classification of gravel beachesVillacampa, Yolanda; Aragonés, Luis; Serra, José Cristobal, et al
Restricted access2014_Guerrero_etal_IJPM_final.pdf.jpgJul-2014Modeling construction time in Spanish building projectsGuerrero Lázaro, Miguel Ángel; Villacampa, Yolanda; Montoyo, Andres
Open accessVillacampa_etal_2020_Sustainability.pdf.jpg24-Nov-2020Modelling Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Biomass Production for Sustainability of Agricultural Systems of PampasVillacampa, Yolanda; Navarro-González, Francisco J.; Hernández, Gabriela, et al
Open access2017_Palazon_etal_SciTotEnv_final.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2017Modelling of Escherichia coli concentrations in bathing water at microtidal coastsPalazón, Antonio; López, Isabel; Aragonés, Luis, et al
Restricted access2018_Lopez_etal_ApplOceanRes_final.pdf.jpgMay-2018Modelling the cross-shore beach profiles of sandy beaches with Posidonia oceanica using artificial neural networks: Murcia (Spain) as study caseLópez, Isabel; Aragonés, Luis; Villacampa, Yolanda, et al
Open access2019_Lopez_etal_MarineGeoresourGeotech_final.pdf.jpg2019Modelling the cross-shore profiles of sand beaches using artificial neural networksLópez, Isabel; Aragonés, Luis; Villacampa, Yolanda
Open accessCOMMoST-2019_41.pdf.jpg2019Modelos numéricos para predecir la adherencia residual entre acero y hormigón reforzado con fibras a alta temperaturaVarona Moya, Francisco de Borja; Villacampa, Yolanda; Navarro-González, Francisco J., et al
Restricted access2015_Lopez_etal_OceanEng_final.pdf.jpg15-Nov-2015Morphological classification of microtidal sand and gravel beachesLópez, Isabel; Aragonés, Luis; Villacampa, Yolanda, et al